Category: Health

How to be young for ever

What is your age? Chronological ageing is different from biological ageing.Chronological ageing is simply the measurement of the passage of time.We will continue to have birthdays;the pages of the calendar will continue to turn.Biological ageing is the gradual destruction of the human body.most people believe that biological and chronological ageing happen simultaneously.This is a myth. […]


Cholesterol is an important part of the cell membrane in all mammalian cells. It is a wax like steroid metabolite. This is highly essential in the production of steroid hormones, fat soluble vitamins and bile. In general cholesterol is usually related to disease and is not something that is favored. But the truth is cholesterol […]

Role of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in Nutrition.

Proteins Proteins are required for promoting growth and for the building and upkeep of the body tissues. In addition, they are necessary for the production of metabolic and digestive enzymes, blood proteins and hormones. Deficiency of proteins in the diet of adults results in loss of weight, reduced resistance to infection and oedema. Prolonged differ […]

Happiness and Health.

Happiness and Health. Every human home was originally intended to be a real haven of rest- a little heaven on earth, where all of the children would learn to be unselfish. Attitudes of love and loyalty were to be inculcated into their minds. It was to be a place where youth could grow up happily, […]

Stop Smoking!

Many thousands of people today are heavy smokers, not by choice, but because they have found no way of escape. They are caught in the grip of a habit developed during their teen-age years when so many young people think it is smart to smoke. The strange thing is that most of these people never […]

Fruits and Health

Fruits are the healthy choice of diet Fruits are one of the oldest forms of food known to man. In fact, Adam, the first man ate an apple according to Christianity. The forbidden fruit of heaven. There are many references to fruits in ancient literature. Vedas state that fruits from the base of the food […]


It is the law of nature that toxins are expelled from body by oxygenation in lungs, perspiration and calls of nature, i.e.,.. Urinary & excreta tract.Whenever the natural toxin throwing passages don’t work properly, various ailments start appearing.Largely the diseases can be in three categories. 1.Acute diseases 2.Chronic diseases 3.Degenerative diseases Cure of Ailments by […]

Beware of Split Mind

Schizophrenia, a term meaning “split mind,” also known as dementia praecox, is a very severe form of mental illness. Most often it strikes in the earlier years of life. The actual cause of this is not known. Schizophrenic patients are always a little odd in their reactions. Where the reasonable person may feel like weeping, […]

The psychotic personalities or Queer people

Great group of mental patients,the psychotic personalities,are very different,for there are decidedly abnormal.They are completely out of touch with the world around them.some of them claim to hear”voices,”while others hold conversations with people who may be non-existent or long since dead.Their peculiar behaviour arises either from a distorted view of life,or perhaps from some derangement […]