Category: Health

Diabetic skin Infection

Diabetes patients and prone to many diseases,skin infection is one of the major problems of diabetic patients. High levels of blood glucose also provide a breeding environment for some bacteria and fungi. High blood sugar level also impairs the functioning of body’s immunity mechanism,weakening its capacity to fight off invading germs and bacteria,putting a diabetic […]

Why The Food Combining Is Very Important?

Are you facing digestive problems or gastritis ?  Then this post is for you ! I had digestive disorder and gastritis in the past. When I tried  nature cure techniques for three to four months the problem completely cured ,but from the last few days I  am facing some digestive  problems again.I have no idea,Why the problem come again?  When I […]

Description Of Good Health

To stay healthy is our birth-right.To obtain this right it is not necessary to take help of medicines,but to stay healthy is in our own hands.As explains earlier the structure of human body is so made that it functions like administrative system of a country.Various parts of the body perform different functions.One of the systems […]

Abdominal Massage

Benefits Of Abdominal Massage: Constipation is relieved through abdominal massage. Abdominal massage helps to stimulate  the peristalsis of the small intestines,tones up the muscles of the abdomen walls mechanically eliminates the contents of both large and small intestines. The Technique of abdominal massage: Abdominal massage should be done when the stomach is empty or after […]

A Balanced diet plan for complete health

Balanced Diet Every  foods contain different amounts of elements to the needs by our body for the  four functions of human body (Growth,Repair ,Energy and protection from disease). Theses important elements are called nutrients. So, the diet which contains all these essential nutrients in right quantity will be balanced diet for us. The essential nutrients […]

Simple Ways To Keep The Eyes Healthy

In modern age 80% people is having a job related to computer or eye straining.There is a complaint of eye disorders and pain of eyes or burning sensation is increased.Long hours of using computer causes serious problems to eyes.From last few month I got many query on this topic.I though instead of replying every one […]

The Healing Power of Fasting

Do fasting diet works? there is some many quires on this subject in my inbox.I decided to answer it through on post here is the answer. Yes,Fasting diet works,it has been proved from the ancient times. fasting is a miracles remedy for all diseases. Fasting diet worked wonderfully from the ancient times. Fasting is good […]

Diabetics In Children

Diabetics In Children The Main reasons for diabetics in children are due to improper functioning of pancreas. There are two types of diabetics seen in children they are type-1 and type-2 Type-1 Diabetics These type of diabetics are seen in 95% of diabetic children.Its comes when pancreas is  not functioning properly or the cells which producing insulin are […]

Importance of B12 vitamin.

There are also many herbals and naturals substances, which can help us, feed the brain and optimize its function. For instance, the B vitamins are extremely important in providing energy to the brain. The B vitamins are crucial enzymes for the metabolism of the glucose that gets translated into energy. One of the most common […]

Color of Urine

The colour of your urine says a lot about your body’s health, and you need to pay attention to it.  Use this as a general guide.  Color Possible Cause Necessary Action Yellow/Gold The most typical urine color, indicative of a healthy urinary tract; yellow will intensify depending on hydration; some B vitamins cause bright yellow […]