A Balanced diet plan for complete health

Balanced Diet
Every  foods contain different amounts of elements to the needs by our body for the  four functions of human body (Growth,Repair ,Energy and protection from disease). Theses important elements are called nutrients. So, the diet which contains all these essential nutrients in right quantity will be balanced diet for us. The essential nutrients requires for our body were  carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.

Carbohydrates and fats mainly provide energy to our body. Wheat, rice, potato, banana, etc, are very rich in carbohydrates. Jaggery or sugar was another source of carbohydrates. Ghee, butter, oils, cream and milk were full of fats.

Proteins are much needed for  the body to grow. They also help  to replace the dead or worn-out parts and to repair the damaged parts. Children needs more proteins because their bodies have to grow rapidly. Pulses, milk, cheese, curd, egg, fish and meat were rich in proteins.
Vitamins and minerals were present in milk, cheese, fruits, vegetables and meat etc. Vitamins keep our eyes, bones, gums, etc. healthy. Minerals like phosphorus and calcium were necessary for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, while iron compounds were required for the formation of red blood cells.
There are no single item of food which can provided us with all the necessary nutrients (although fresh milk) contains most of these. It is  therefore essential to eat a combination of foods to get all the necessary substances required by our body. The quantity of these ingredients required by each body is not the same. So we must select our food items according to the needs of our body. Generally, a person doing a lot of physical work will need more of fats and carbohydrates recoup the energy lost by him in excessive physical work. A child needs more protein than an old man., because the childs body needs more protein for growth. A sick person may be deficient in some substances, but he may not need carbohydrates and fats.
So, a balanced diet is one which is suitable in all respects, sufficient in food value as well as adequate in quantity and quantity according to the needs of a body. To keep our body healthy and fit, we must follow the balanced diet principle. Our ancient medical system of Ayurveda also emphasizes this principle of balanced diet.There is no necessity of  medicines are required for a person who correctly follow the prescribed  a balanced diet . But one who does not follow this principle of diet cannot be helped even by hundreds of medicines
We should therefore know what to eat and follow the diet scheme as far as possible. Children should also be given their diet according to this principle. In fact, everyone should follow the diet system properly.

Do you feel lazy?or tired even with out doing hard work?

If your answer is yes this post is for you! For last few month I am getting so many quires about feeling tired,unable to make the commitments,feeling of laziness etc When I studied about the problem I understand that many person are being lazy due to lack of energy and due to improper eating habits.In this post I am sharing a balanced diet plan,When to eat what to eat etc

Food Plays very important role in your health and energy levels.Normally when the body didn’t have the sufficient energy you feel tired and become lazy.Every one around you may not be know the problem you are facing and complains you are lazy.To give optimum performance and lead a successful life you have to get maximum energy from you diet.Here is the most important rules of a well balanced diet.

1. Eat only when you are hungry,eating with out hunger leads to indigestion and other intestinal problems

2. Eat a low fat diet,high fat foods disturbs blood circulation.

3.Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet,Its essential for the optimum performance of your organs.

4.Your brains only fuel is glucose don’t skip break fast if you skip breakfasts it damage brains cells.

5.Eat unsalted dried beans and legumes of all kinds,including peanuts,

6.Walnuts and almonds will give all the proteins.Include it in your diet.

7. Avoid using sugar and salt if not possible at least reduce it.

8.Avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils,it is harmful to health.

9.Avoid all the processed foods.

10. It is better to eat low calorie diet than high calorie.

11.Soya products are low in fat and high in amino acids that make neurotransmitters which helps brains cells to communicate.

12.Include curd in your diet,it has a special property of pro-biotic actions in the intestines.

!3. Fish is a best food  eat it minimum of twice in a week.

14.It is better that eating high protein foods before carbohydrates.

15.Avoid supplements,pain killers ,use natural or herbal medicines.

16.Include alkaline foods in your diet.

If you use this basic rules in your diet plan this will help you to perform and deliver your optimum level,This diet will help you to be in complete healthy condition  of your body and mind.

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A typical daily diet of many of us is full of junk foods and foods that do more harm than good. Eliminate hunger and need to eat at that hour, but at the same time provide very little high-quality nutrients that are essential to the body so it would be stay healthy.

Although we may not have a large selection of chocolate bars, candy, desserts  and all other forms of sweet, and salty snacks, still have enough products that are packed with flavor enhancers, dyes, harmful forms and amounts of sugar and sweeteners, additives so that will give us a regular and even occasional consumption of toxins accumulate in the body and make an ideal base for the development of the disease burden of the body’s defense mechanisms.

It’s very necessary to be aware about what we eat and drink, food from local and local farming is the last cry of fashions. A cry even more, because that is something local – does not automatically mean that even healthy. By healthy I mean two things: whether something is low calorie and if indeed grown far from roads, factories, neighboring fields that are sprayed (wind and groundwater carry toxins air) to toxic pesticides and fertilizers.

With all these issues, let’s add another medication that many people use, lack of sleep / rest and physical and mental stress, so we will not be at all surprising that more and more people suffering from degenerative, chronic and deadly diseases. However, the risk can be reduced with a little adjustment and learning about what we should bring a balanced daily diet. Our bodies need more basic level in the blood to function normally, talking about pH 7.35. Food intake during meals launching the mechanisms of digestion ie metabolism, which converts the fuel entered a little powdered form, which can be alkaline or acidic. Inorganic substances which include minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc. determine the level of acidity or alkalinity in the body, rather than their organic status. Simply put, the food does not have to be a sour taste to blood acidity created.

How comes to acidity in the blood?
When nutrients to maintain an alkaline condition cannot be obtained from the food we eat, then the body automatically begins to take these nutrients from organs, bones and other essential tissues. This makes direct damage because the body does not have time to repair the station just those parts of the body from which the care, or is not able to clean itself of toxins that attack it so much easier to come up with fatigue and illness.
The key is to maintain a perfect balance, but also because something acidic condition (pH slightly below 7) can cause coma and even death. It is important to remember that proper selection of foods we can achieve the ideal. Too many foods that cause increased acidity in the blood brings many problems: from acidosis, osteoporosis and cell mutations that can lead to cancer, etc.
Do not worry about excessive alkalinity, the way we feed every day brings more acidic foods, so feel free to invade the alkaline which will shortly be mentioned.
When we talk about our daily diet, we come to the specific problem because in this case both can be affected by omnivores, vegetarians and vegans, athletes and recreational purposes, thin and thick.

Vegetables contain a number of active (living) enzymes and is mostly alkaline . I would highlight spinach, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, sprouted seeds, fresh cucumbers, celery, cayenne pepper, coriander, oregano, all kinds of radish, carrots, kohlrabi, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, green beans, garlic, ginger, lettuce, artichokes , onions, peas, asparagus, chives, beets, alfalfa and endive as najlu~natije vegetables, while the rest of perfectly fresh.Frozen, canned, with sauerkraut brings a little more acidity.

As far as fruit, also can not go wrong with either but again, the ones natural: avocados, bananas (just ripe, green ones are acidic), tomato, lime, lemon, grapefruit, cherry, coconut, figs (fresh and dried) and watermelon. With a team that is usually flavored with pickled lemon maybe even a winner as natural foods in the world, because in addition to creating alkalinity of the blood, the liver detoxifies the body, i.e., kills viruses, helps with colds, heartburn and provides energy.

Enjoy the green tea, organic apple vinegar, almonds, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, and oils such as linseed, olive, coconut, sesame and evening primrose oil.

Bread, tortillas, all kinds of cheese, and eggs (egg white and yolk alike), pasteurized milk, yogurt, ketchup, soy sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, sparkling water, wine (red and white), butter and sunflower oil are moderate to fairly acidic foods.Limit your intake of beer, spirits, coffee, black tea, sweetened fruit juices, as well as beef, pork, canned fish, veal, artificial sweeteners and pickled vegetables.

Eat wisely and stay healthy.