Foods That is essential for healthy body

Did you know that if you live to the age of 70 , you will probably eat more than 1400 times your own weight in food? This an enormous figure . In terms of cash it amounts to far more than all you other house hold bills combined. Every time you sit down to a meal you make an important decision concerning your own future.
What you eat, and how you eat it may determine how long you live, and whether you will be sick or well.

Many people who could enjoy reasonably good health are suffering from various kinds of illness. Most of them are neither sick nor well. They are just dragging themselves around half dead most of the time. What a miserable existence! they are are not sick enough to go to bed, and not well enough to do their work properly .

In some cases the trouble may be due to some parasite , or some hidden cause of illness. In many  others the trouble arises from a faulty diet. Too many people spend their money foolishly, then wonder why they and their children are sick or lacking in vitality.

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Poor things! Many of them are looking misery , but this is not  the solution . They would be in far better health if they would only make a careful study of the laws of  health , and then apply them in their own lives. What are these principles of Good living  ?

We discuss in this in coming post! Please write your comments on this Post and suggestions if any.