Category: yoga


Jalandhara Bandha (throat lock) Sit in padmasana or siddha/siddha yoni asana with the head and spine straight. The knees should be in firm contact with the floor. Place the palms of the hands on the knees. Close the eyes and relax the whole body.Inhale slowly and deeply, and retain the breath inside. While retaining the […]

Kundalini rising

 A man has an enormous reservoir of energy within him. Kundalini Shakti is one such cosmic power that lies dormant in the Muladhara Chakra near the anus.   In Awakening Kundalini Shakti series we have already covered the Muladhara Chakra and Swadhisthan Chakra or sacral chakra. One should activate his Root chakra or Muladhara chakra and  Swadhisthan Chakra or sacral […]

Karma Yoga

Swami Vivekananda explanation of the meaning of Karma yoga.         The word karma is derived from the Sanskrit kri meaning to do; all action is karma.  Technically, the word also means the effects of actions.  In connection to metaphysics, it sometimes means the effects  of which our past actions were the causes.  But  in karma yoga, we have simply to do with […]

A Self-realised person.

Nature, is composed of three components, sattva, rajas and tamas, these are always changing and so the mind as part of nature will also change. One day one may feel tired and lethargic and tempted to do nothing and on other days one will feel ready for activity. These changes are natural and need to […]

Greatest Come Back of Anu Aga

To know tragedy and to live it is two different things but when Anu Aga was struck by three tragic episodes in a row, she became a woman who would never be afraid again of life or death. And who invested her energy and resources in cultivating human capital within her company and outside it. […]

Who is a Yogi?

Who is a yogi? “The yogi who has cleansed himself,has gained mastery over his mind and all his senses,who has become one with the atman in all creation,although he acts he remains unaffected. He who is established in yoga soon attains the Brahman.Anyone who successfully follows karma yoga becomes established in yoga.He who has become […]

Role of Yoga in your Love

Yoga plays an important role in shaping our love life. There can’t be two opinions about the fact that our life is shaped by our thoughts and the way we interpret things and situations. All thoughts, feelings and emotions manifest in one form or the other in our body and life. As you become more […]

Vedanda sutras(Introduction of preamble)

The system of education in ancient India required the students to live in the campus of a forest academy along with the teachers. The teaching imparted was, almost always, in the form of sutras or aphorisms, followed by explanations and discussions. At a time when committing things to memory was considered supremely important, this method […]