Brahmavidya is a very ancient system of Spiritual Practice or Sadhana

 Brahmavidya also known as “Science of Spirituality”  is a very ancient system of Spiritual Practice to attain the state of liberation or realization. Most of us feel that Brahmavidya is only useful to attain an at-present-unknown-state of self-realization and has no practical use in day-to-day life of the common of the world. The moment the word  realization is mentioned to the average man, his mind conjures up a picture of a sadhu sitting and meditating somewhere in the wilderness, or wandering without any worldly responsibilities. All truth is hidden and if we limit our observation only to the appearance we can never comprehend the truth. One may say that every scientific discovery is a proof of this. ‘Appearances are deceptive’. For example, the earth looks quite flat, but actually it is round; it appears that the sun rises every morning in the east, but actually there is no sunrise.

As the modern science tells us about the laws of the material universe, Brahmavidya tells us about deeper truths about your life, my life – human life! When we follow these laws in our life, it makes our life orderly. And what we call as Health or Success is nothing but ORDER.

Brahmavidya teaches that every human being is potentially divine. Hence he has within him all the power required to overcome his difficulties and problems. Brahmavidya gives definite methods by which a person can overcome all of his physical and mental problems and lead a healthier, more successful and happier life

Brahmavidya is a Science of Life teaching human beings the spiritual laws of life. These Spiritual laws operate in human life through Breath and Thought. We cannot think of life without Breath or Thought. Hence Brahmavidya teachings emphasize on Breath and Thought, which are the basic elements of life.

Though we are using Breath and Thought right from our birth no one has ever taught us correct way of Breathing or thinking. You will be surprised to know that average person uses only 10% of his lung capacity. Brahmavidya teaches a) Spiritual Breathing Exercises, which improve breathing and b) Meditation techniques, which improve thinking. The Breathing Exercises purify the body and Meditation purifies the mind.

Brahmavidya is not like a medicine, which is meant for a particular ailment. It is a system, which helps to remove root cause of illness and promote health. Breathing exercises and Meditation have been found useful to get rid of asthma and other breathing troubles, high blood pressure, spondilitis, backache, heart trouble, chronic cold and cough and many other ailments.

The practice also improves mental outlook of the person and makes him more positive, cheerful, optimistic and confident. Due to better physical and mental health a person can do his daily work more efficiently. This can make him more successful at his job, his business or his profession.
Brahma-vidya is a kriya yoga that essential for a human to have ultimate knowledge.
It must be taken from GURU only. It is said that Lord Subramania Swamy the son of Lord Shiva had first given it to Agastya Muni. Inturn Agastya Muni had given to eighteen Sidhu’s. The 18 Sidha’s Formed the Guru param para to teach Brama vidya.
Then who is qualified to take Brahma Vidya?
The minimum requirements to take Brahma Vidya are

one must be a nonsmoker and drinker.
He must eat foods with swathik qualities only and a vegetarian.
He must not use this Vidya other than is the aim.
Any person of any religion, race can take the Brahma-vidya(kriya yoga) if had the above qualities from a Guru.
If anyone wants to take Kriya yoga(Brahma Vidya), one must consult anyone Guru param para. One like Achutha yoga.
I had taken kriya yoga form Achutha ashram. Achutha Ashram had various branches all over South India.
Achutha Asharam
rishi Muk,
Hampi, Karnataka.