Paschimottanasana Benefits, How to do, Precautions

The word Paschimottanasana is a Sanskrit word, which in English is also called “Seated Forward Bend Pose.” This classic yoga pose offers the practitioner a variety of benefits and is one of the most effective postures to stretch the entire body.

Paschimottanasana is good for people with high blood pressure and diabetes and should be practised early in the morning to get the best results. It is important that the colon is empty before going to bed and eating a long time before.


People with diarrhoea, asthma and back injuries should not do it.


How to do Paschimottanasana.

  • Sit up straight with your legs straight.
  • Keep your toes bent in your direction.
  • Take a deep breath and raise your arms.
  • Bend now as you exhale and bend your hips.
  • Stretch your arms as far as possible.
  • Take a deep breath, lift your head slightly and extend the spine.
  • Release your breath and try to get the navel back to your knees.
  • Repeat the same a few times.
  • Then keep your head on your feet and stay in the posture for a few breaths.
  • Take a deep breath and go to the sitting position.
  • Release your breath and lower your arms.

Benefits of Paschimottasana:


1. Promotes self-observation and calms the nervous system.

The spinal cord is a crucial part of the nervous system that can hold a billion nerves. When performing Paschimottanasana, the spinal cord stretches, creating a gap between the vertebrae that increases blood flow to all nerves. Calm the nervous system. By practising posture every day, yogis can look within themselves and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

2. stretch the back completely

Yoga gurus around the world recommend Paschimottanasana for those who suffer from back pain, stiffness, etc., as well as for asanas that stretch on their backs. The reason for this is that Ben stretches from head to toe across the back in a sitting position.

The regular practice of the posture leads to greater flexibility and strength of the spine. The asana also effectively releases tension in the lower back, upper back and neck.

3. Stimulates and strengthens internal organs.

Because Paschimottanasana has most of the postures before, it increases the circulation of all major abdominal organs such as the kidneys, intestines, liver and pancreas. This stimulates the metabolism and improves digestive capacity.

4. Cool the body and calm the mind

One of the most important health benefits of the asana is that it cools the body and calms the mind. The posture helps bring fresh blood to the head, relax the mind and relieve insomnia, depression and worry.

The harmonization of pranic energies in the body causes less stress and depression and keeps the mind rejuvenated and renewed. Paschimottanasana can offer a complete yoga practice and bless the whole being with good health and positive energy.

5. Improves blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Daily practice of Paschimottanasana can relieve the symptoms of menopause. The asana increases blood circulation in the pelvic area and nourishes the organs of the lower part of the body.

The posture can also help people suffering from lack of sexual desire, impotence and infertility. It is also recommended for women after childbirth since the posture promotes healing.

6. Promotes the burning of fat in the abdominal area.

Among the health benefits of Paschimottanasana, the reduction of abdominal fat probably deserves special mention. It is extremely difficult for people with stomach fat to reduce the excess weight of the abdomen. There are cases in which people spend hours every day in the gym to get rid of this persistent fat but to no avail.

Paschimottanasana can easily burn the excess fat stored in the abdominal area by stretching and the pressure associated with the posture, helping to reach a flat stomach.

7. Relieves pain and tension in the thighs.

Tension and pain in the Achilles tendon are usually due to poor posture. And if the same posture is maintained for a long time, it can increase stiffness and softness.