Hanuman Asana, Benefits, How to do, Precautions

Hanumanasana is one of those many yoga postures that help you rejuvenate your body. Yoga was an art to stay healthy through a slow process of asanas, some simple, others difficult. When you breathe deeply and your mind resonates with peace and structure, your body goes through a training process. In today’s article, we will talk about the Hanuman asana, their benefits and a look at the correct execution of this yoga.

What you need to know before doing asana.

This asana should be practised on an empty stomach. Allow at least 10 to 12 hours between meals and practice. To achieve this, you must practice this asana early in the morning. You should also make sure your gut is empty before practising this asana.



How to do Hanumanasana


Kneel on the floor and make sure your knees are slightly apart. Move your right foot forward and lift the template. Only the outer heel should touch the ground. Inhale.
While exhaling, tilt the upper part of the body forward and touch the ground with the tips of the fingers.
Now move the left knee back until the forefoot and knee touch the ground. Gently push the right leg forward until it touches the ground completely.
To finish the position and reach a divided position, push your right foot forward. Make sure your fingers are pointing towards the sky. Slide your left foot back, making sure your fingers are touching the floor.
Raise your arms above your head and connect your palms together. Stretch your arms and gently bend your back until you feel comfortable.
Breathe normally Hold the position for about a minute or until you feel comfortable.
Release the posture by moving the body weight on the hands. Press your hands firmly on the floor and slide your feet to the starting position. Repeat the asana with the left leg forward and the right behind the back.


Precautions and counter-indications.

These are some of the precautions that you should follow when practising this asana.

It is best to practice this asana in the instruction of a doctor and under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor since this is not a basic yoga posture. You could hurt yourself if you do not do it right.
It is best to avoid this asana if your groin or thighs are injured.
The division should not be applied at any time, as this can harm it. Listen to your body and push as much as you can.

Tips for beginners

This is not a basic yoga posture, and it takes intense practice to perform the separation. When you practice this asana for the first time, you can use a blanket under your ankles and knees to make it more comfortable.

Increase the length of the upper body by pushing the rear leg toward the ground. The pressure he exerts on his back foot raises his shoulder blades and holds them firmly on his back.


Extended pose variations

When you have broken your legs and stretched your arms, you can lean forward, lean over the front leg and touch the feet to increase the stretch. Hold the posture for a few seconds. Inhale and come back.


Benefits of Hanumanasana.

This asana helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the thighs, groin and thighs.
This asana also stimulates the reproductive and digestive organs and improves its function.
With regular exercise, this asana makes the hips extremely flexible.
The muscles of the back stretch.
This intense stretching asana helps reduce stress and tension.
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The science behind Hanumanasana
When you begin to practice this asana, concentrate on the front leg and the feeling of tension. You will feel the need to stretch your hamstrings as much as possible to achieve the necessary flexibility for this asana. However, you must remember that this asana requires that your front and back legs are also flexible. If the front leg requires flexibility in the hamstrings, the back leg must be sufficiently open in the hip flexors. Once you achieve that goal, you can balance yourself in that attitude.

It does not matter if your pond touches the ground or not. The important thing is to protect your lower back and push as much as possible. The key is always to pick up and stop the signs of your body when you ask. You can use the pillow and upholstery stand, you can