Category: yoga asanas

Kapalabhati Breathing technique

Kapalabhati kriya or breathing: Kapala means skull, and bhati means to shine.Kapalabhati breathing is the best technique to improve intelligence. Kapalabhati Kriya technique Sit comfortably.Close both fists with the thumb inside and place them on the thighs touching each other.This is maha mudra. Inhale in the mild, slow and prolonged manner and exhale quickly and […]

Bakasana, Benefits, How to do, Precautions

  Crane pose Bakasana is a unique asana that refers to a bird called Crane. In Sanskrit Baka stands for Crane and also while practising this asana the body structure exactly looks like body posture of bird Crane that is why it is also named as Crane Pose. It is synchronized form of asana entirely […]

Bhramari Pranayama

The word bhramari refers to the humming sound made by abhramara (a bumblebee in Sanskrit). The Bhramari Pranayama consists in making a deep, soft humming bee-like sound while exhaling. Because Bhramari Pranayama has a very calming effect on the nerves and the mind, it is usually practiced as a prelude to meditation. As a part […]

Suryabhedana pranayam

Technique for Suryabhedana Pranayama: How to perform  syrabhedana pranayama:Sit in Padmasana Inhale slowly and deeply through your right nostril, your left nostril shut with your ring finger and little finger.Next, close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. And then exhale through your left nostril, keeping your right nostril closed Repeat the […]


(Single Leg Bridge Pose in Shoulder Stand): “Eka”  meaning “one.” “Pada”  meaning “foot” or “leg” Setu  meaning bridge Bandha  meaning lock Sarva  meaning all Anga  meaning limb Asana  meaning pose Benefits of One-Legged Bridge Pose: *.Stretched and opened chest, heart, shoulders, spine, neck, thighs, and hip flexors *.Strengthened […]

Superman Pose Benefits, How to do

The Superman Pose is similar to a flying superman high in the air. This is where this yoga posture gets its nickname. viparita = inverted / reversed ; shalabh = locust ; asana = pose /posture It is pronounced as Vip -a – RHEETH- uh shah – lah -BHAAHS – uh- nuh This posture is […]