A to Z of Buddhist healing,Principle, Meditation and Practices


 Description of Buddhism

Buddhism is not a religion, but a path of enlightenment. Buddhism formed by Gautama Buddha in around 500 BC. It is more than a religion. It is a way of life for the practitioners.
We all know that Buddhists are famous for being calm. They are happy peaceful all the time. There is nothing that could seriously affect their lives, no matter what.
It is not just the monks that are at peace. There are people out there doing regular jobs, yet practicing Buddhism. They excel at what they do. They do not let the world or materialistic issues disturb their inner peace. Even with hard day jobs as everyone, they go to sleep with peace.

Do you ever wonder how they can perform above traits?

The difference is the perspective and the way we deal our daily lives.
Everyone wants to be at the level where our mind and body are healthy and active. A day where nothing could bother us, yet we work to better the situations. How do we do it? You will all understand and know the answer by the end of the article.

Buddhism is widespread religion around the globe. Although it has roots in India, it is more active in China, Japan, Tibet, and Nepal. Because of the adoption, there came up few differences in the practices. The basic concepts of Buddhism remain the same. They are the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold path.

Four Noble Truths of Buddhism

” Life is suffering.
” Suffering is because of craving and aversion.
” Knowing that suffering comes to an end.
” The path leading to the end of suffering.

The final noble truth i.e. the path leading to the end of suffering has eight principles known as Noble Eightfold path.

Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism

” Right Understanding.
” Right Attitude.
” Right Speech.
” Right Action.
” Right Livelihood.
” Right Effort.
” Right Mindfulness.
” Right Concentration.

The above mentioned are the basic concepts in all the practices of Buddhism.
These seem to be easy or simple when we hear. Following these ideas would do wonders. Body, mind, and spiritual levels will always be at optimum.

Buddhist Spiritual Healing

Sometimes even at the healthiest levels, some issues disturb the life. They may be either due to physical or psychological conditions. There are both spiritual and physical practices for healing in Buddhism.

Medicine Buddha is an ancient Buddhist healer in Tibetan Buddhism. The deity is in Blue color with healing herbs in hand. One of the vital healing techniques is Buddhist Spiritual Medicine. The origin of this Spiritual medicine is Tibet.

Buddhist Spiritual medicine heals a person on physical, psychological and spiritual levels. In simple terms, it gets to the idea of healing the soul. The healing goes beyond birth and death.
No one can live forever. But leading a happy life and peaceful death is all that everyone wants. Buddhist medicine gives these aspects to the life. It might sound strange, but you will understand this concept by the end of the article.
Buddhist Spiritual healing is a holistic approach. The concepts in Buddhist medicine go hand in hand with the basic Buddhist principles mentioned earlier. There are tenets, practices, enlightenment and ethic training in this. They also have yoga, meditation, and wisdom training.

Anger, stress, and tension give rise to many health issues. According to Buddhism, love and kindness are the best medicine. They connect our self to the inner souls. Healing our emotions would be the ultimate way.

Lamas (teachers in Buddhism) initiate empowerments for longevity, vitality and teach healing by self. Developing skills to heal yourself and others.
Surya Das is a student of Dalai Lama, the famous Buddhist teacher. Surya Das talks about the importance of establishing Spiritual intelligence. Everyone has spiritual knowledge, the strength of it is all that matters. Just like muscles, spiritual knowledge is built through practices. Exercises like meditation, yoga, and other chanting strengthen the spiritual muscles. It can be developed either by your own way or following a religious path.

We should know the difference between the real and unreal distinguishing light from darkness. Understanding and acting by the situations would make us masters rather than the victims of the cases. By knowing the facts and values, we prioritize moments and cherish our lives.

Samskaras are karmic imprints on our soul. They are habits, words or deeds in our consciousness. These acting as boundaries restrict us from being free. When we face criticism or hear something negative, we react in a particular way spilling our outburst and emotions. Stopping ourselves from doing something because of some negative event linked to that.

First, we need to understand that how would that affect if we take it. We do not gain anything by keeping that in mind. Rather by learning and reacting to the situation without affecting our self would be beneficial. It can be either true or false. These can also be the result of our inner emotions, memories, and thoughts.

Karma, as we all know, are actions. We can’t control the wind of karma, but we can handle them. Spirituality teaches us how to manage karma, so we don’t get lost.

Meditation, self-inquiry, and mindfulness practices are the best tools. Later on, we will have more clarity on better understanding and reacting to the situation in a certain way. Thus, keeping our lives free of restrictions.

The Samskaras or Karmic actions can continue into the next life forms. Either be good or bad karmas. The Lamas carry forward the good karmas by reincarnation. They are reborn with the good karmas and benefit the humanity by teaching the greater goods.

Bodhisattva (Bodhi meaning enlightenment and sattva meaning being), it means a person set on the path of enlightenment. The concept of Bodhisattva is we all are one. Everyone wants to be happy and enjoy the lives. Bodhisattva works on releasing every being from sufferings and leading towards the spiritual path.

The vow is “Sentient beings are numberless, I vow to liberate them. Delusions are inexhaustible, I vow to transcend them. Dharma teachings are boundless, I vow to master them. The Buddha’s way is unsurpassable, I vow to embody it.”

Students and lamas take this vow every day. Saying it all the time integrates the spirituality in life.

Love, kindness, and compassion are the most important points that are all along the paths of Buddhism. Everyone wants to change the world, make a place for themselves or establish a bigger thing. First, one has to be at peace with the self, able to handle situations and understand the way of life. Many issues come up when we face the bigger picture.

You may work hard to become a billionaire or want to be the best business person or any other thing that you would like to have in your life. Working for a cause without inner peace would destroy the whole concept. Fear or anything might be the issue, and it drains you. It does not bring any peace or happiness at the end of the day.

Learn to be at peace and happy with yourself. Start enjoying your company. Later on, when working for the bigger cause, you will be able to do it better and enjoy all along.

Spiritual work is the best tool to understand yourself and achieve inner peace. Inquiring and introspecting through spiritual path answers a lot of questions that we want to. It gives a clear picture of the things that bring us happiness in our lives.

Dream-work and dream yoga (being aware of dreams) helps a lot. We are more aware of our true self, appreciating and accepting ourselves and others. That would be the ultimate tool for being in and spreading peace and happiness.

The eight steps and the four noble truths mentioned above are the basic concepts to walk along the path of Buddhism. They are the fuel that drives us along the path of truth and enlightenment. Remember the points, feed them to the brain every day as you feed your stomach. Let your brain breath those points.

A human is not born with bad ideas or concepts in his mind. But the life along turns him into good or bad. Every human self at the base is pure and at peace. Buddhists talk about changing the core nature of our self into pure form.
Practicing yoga, meditation, and healthy diet would keep the person in peace. Surrender yourself to the truths and practices.

Know that divine nature or Buddha or the light resides in every one of us. Every one of us can be Buddha or enlightened. No matter what our lives have done to us or regardless of where we stand. Letting go of the past, understanding the aspects of life and moving along the spiritual path could lead one to the enlightenment.

To know more about Meditation

A complete Guide For Different Types Of Meditation And Benefits





After reading this article, you have all understood Buddhism. It is simple, yet powerful. It is not enforcing or pushing, but rather relaxing and empowering. Through love, compassion and peace with the self and the world would be the best way to lead your life.

You all have the cling of feeling the way these words have expressed. Do not let go off that feeling. Learn the concepts, practice and be the best. You can practice Buddhism along with your daily life.

A mind guided along the path of spirituality and its practices always keeps the physical and psychological being at the best. No sufferings and issues could shake the person at that level.

Stay happy and stay healthy. The greater good is always there for you.
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