Uttitha Parsvakonasana , Benefits, How to do, Precautions

Utthita  Extended, Parsva  Side, Kona  Angle, Asana  Posture; Pronounced As  oo-TEE-tah parsh-vah-cone-AHS-anna


This asana helps stretch parts of the body that do not normally stretch. It is a beginner posture that helps you get used to the stretches and contours of the body that yoga brings.

Utthita Parsvakonasana
Utthita Parsvakonasana

How do I do Utthita Parsvakonasana?

Make sure your gut and stomach are empty before performing this asana. It may be advisable to allow a few hours between the last meal and the training. This leaves enough time for good digestion. This asana works best when practised in the morning. You can also practice it in the afternoon.

Level: basic knowledge.
Style: Hatha Yoga
Duration: 15 to 30 seconds.
Repeat: once on each page.
Stretching: knees, shoulders, legs, spine, rib cage, abdomen, ankles, lungs, groin
Strengthens knees, legs, ankles.


How do I do Utthita Parsvakonasana?

Stand on your carpet so that you point to the long side of the carpet and your feet are away from your legs. Make sure your heels are aligned with each other.
The right foot should rotate so that your fingers point towards the short edge of the mat and the toes of the left foot are at a 45-degree angle.

Exhale and bend the right knee to make sure that your thigh is parallel to the floor.
Your knee should be above the ankle and aligned with the first two fingers. The base of the big toe should be attached to the floor, but the thigh should extend to the small fingers.

Inhale and squeeze the lower part of your abdomen to make it suck and rise up.
Exhale and stretch your body with the right leg. Then lower your right arm. You can place your elbow on your right thigh or place your hand on the ground outside your right foot.

Extend your left arm to the ceiling so that the palm is forward. Turn the upper left arm towards your face and then over your head to make sure your arm is near your left ear.
Press the outside of the left foot on the floor and then carefully wrap the right side of your buttocks.
You should make sure that your spine and neck are long and that your neck is aligned with your spine. Look at your left arm
Turn the chest up so that it faces the ceiling. Keep the base stable and press firmly on your feet. Keep your face soft and your spine light
Keep the position. Inhale and release the pose while taking the Tadasana. Relax for a few seconds and repeat the posture on the other side.


Precautions and contraindications.

These are some precautions that you should keep in mind before doing this asana.

Avoid this asana if you have the following conditions.
a. Headaches
b. High or low blood pressure
c. Insomnia

If you have a problem in the neck, do not look at the extended arm. Look more straight or down.

Tips for beginners

As a beginner, you can have problems.

a. Keep your heels anchored to the floor when you bend the front knee in the posture and
b. Touch the fingertips of the hand lowered on the floor.

To solve the first problem, you must tie your heel against a wall. If you then bend your knee and lower your upper body to one side, you should imagine pushing the wall with your heel.

For the second problem, place your forearm on the bent knee thigh or support your hand with a blockage.


Extended pose variations

To intensify the posture, lift the toe as soon as it is there. To confirm the heel anchor back, press the head of the femur deeply into the socket and lift the back of the inner groin towards the leg. Then soften the ball of the forefoot to the ground.


Benefits of Utthita Parsvakonasana.

It not only stretches but also strengthens the knees, ankles and legs.
The groin, chest, spine, waist, lungs and shoulders stretch well.
The abdominal organs are stimulated.
The resistance is increased.
This asana also gives therapeutic relief from constipation, infertility, lower backaches, osteoporosis, sciatica, and menstrual discomfort.