These spices will calms your brain and gives sound sleep


Keeping our calmness is very important to lead a successful life. Sleeplessness leads to many health problems. Here is few spices food that will calm your brain.

Cumin seeds:

Cumin seeds have the property of calming and sedative. It soothes the nervous system and very effective to overcome sleeplessness.

How to Use:

A teaspoon of the dried powder of cumin seeds should be mixed with the pulp of a ripe banana and taken as the last thing at night to overcome sleeplessness.


to over come sleeplessness

The Dill is a calming and sedative food. It is an ancient remedy for Insomnia. The Greeks used to put leaves of this plant in their cap or used to cover their heads with leaves to induce sleep. The Hindu physicians in ancient India also knew that keeping few springs of dill leaves near the pillow while going to bed induces one to sleep soundly. In fact, the Hindi name of the plant is derived from the word soya which means slept.


The powder of nutmeg, mixed with fresh amla juice is an effective medicine for insomnia, mental irritability and depression. Nutmeg paste mixed with honey is given as a sleeping medicine to those infants who keep on crying the whole night without any obvious reason. It should, however, not be given regularly without medical advice as it may cause serious complication and addiction.

Poppy Seeds:


The poppy seeds can be beneficially used as a valuable medicine in sleeplessness. About 30 grams of milk extracted from the seeds mixed with sugar can be used for treating this condition. A teaspoon of poppy-seed oil taken night is also very effective.