The importance of Warm-up and Cool-down


Warm-up and Cool-down is an important part of every exercise programme. Before you start bicycling, walking or running should do some warm-up. Massage your whole knee area that means above and below, front and back areas. Start your workout at a slow pace. Always keep good posture and techniques. As your body warms up, let your pace rise with it. When it seems that you are ready to pick really up your pace, take a break and do so0me stretching. Then get back to the pace you had just before the break.

The process of cooling down after the workout plays an important role in your fitness level. When you finish your workout, it is the best time for a relaxing set of stretches. Lie down on a padded floor mat and put your legs up against a wall for a few minutes, taking this time to relax and recoup.

Do some gentle stretching on a padded floor mat and if you have the time, a few minutes on a treadmill or exercise bike will help flush the garbage out of your muscles. The basics of warming-up and cooling down are lifelong rules that will keep you from undue muscle strain. Remember that the heart is a muscle too and that it is protected by this warm-up and cool down rules.