The Highest Source OF Nutrition” Raw Vegetables”

There is no higher form of nourishment available than raw vegetable and fruits. When fruits, vegetables, and nuts are taken in a raw, uncooked form their enzymes, minerals,vitamins, and fiber remain intact. If you eat wide variety you are likely to get the eight amino acids required to provide your body with the fuel needed to manufacture a whole protein. The low-fat, high-fiber menus presented in chapter 4 include an abundance of vegetable and fruit salads. Any vegetable that you like cooked can be used raw, and will add delight and zest to a salad.

Don’t be timid in the preparation of your salads; experiment and find variety. It’s good idea to consume a large bowl of vegetable salad prior to your lunch and dinner meal. The sprouts from seeds, beans, grains, and nuts add flavor and nutrition to your raw vegetables. Use them liberally. Among the most nourishing and popular are alfalfa sprouts, mung beans, aduki beans, lentils, soybeans, barley, radishes, and sunflower seeds.

When vegetables are to be cooked. They are best if lightly steamed and eaten while still crunchy. This preserves their life-giving nutrients and the quality of the fiber. If you wish to saute your vegetables occasionally, use olive oil instead of butter, and saute them over a low heat for no more than 2 or 3 minutes. Garnish with your seasoning ans enjoy the natural juices that are still locked in.