The Healing Power Of Mudras On Physical Ailments

The mudras used for a variety of health problems are mainly found in Chinese medicine. These usually have their origins in the theory of the five elements. The principle that is still unknown in the West. But the Indian yoga teacher and healer Keshav Dev, who worked intensely on the effects of mudras many years ago, can confirm the healing power of mudras.

Healing power of mudras


He says: “Your destiny is in your hands and should be taken literally. Not only because the lines of the hands indicate the past and the future of a person. But especially because each finger has its own functions and its own power in the body.

Knowing how to use this power will help maintain your physical health and peace of mind. When I speak with patients’ mudras, their first reaction is scepticism.

Healing Power Of Mudras
Anjaili mudra

They ask me: “How can I improve my illness by simply squeezing some fingers?

However, as soon as they begin to trust the exercises and perform them, they feel the effect and the scepticism becomes amazement.

Then I explain that these techniques, which seem so simple, are extremely precious gifts offered by the most enlightened yoga masters of antiquity. ”

External things that contribute to the healing

All those involved in the healing properties of mudras insist that a proper lifestyle and diet should be considered. An unhealthy lifestyle usually consists of a lower diet, lack of exercise and lack of fresh air, rest and relaxation, as well as stress, worry, negative thoughts and excessive negative emotions.

Of course, practising mudras, a healthy diet, regular rest and proper exercise naturally lead to an optimal lifestyle that is the basis of your health.

If mudras are used to promote the cure of chronic diseases, they should be used routinely during treatment for weeks or months. A chronic disease has already started several years before the onset of an obvious disease in a human being. Therefore, some time is required to dissolve the debris deposited in the arteries, organs, individual cells and energy fields.

Some mudras can also be used in an emergency (eg, low back pain, heart attack, dizziness or nausea), they can be exercised as needed and only for as long as necessary. The sudden complaints are not a coincidence, but the explosion of an imbalance that has been exploding in us for some time.

For that reason, a mudra should not be used simply as a quick-acting meditation to relieve symptoms. Get to the bottom of things, meditate, ask yourself what this physical attack means to you. Ask persistently and honestly, because you will receive an honest answer. It may not be pleasant, but it will have a long-term healing effect.

Also, read the article Different diseases for different diseases.