The scientific truth about feeling of hurt.

Why we feel hurt?

When we analyse it we can found some truth behind it. We feel hurt most by people closest to us,isn’t it? Is it their fault?

That is our fault, our happiness or sadness should keep in our control not in external situations or People. We have the choice and choose peace over conflict.

The harsh truth is if you are getting by somebody. It is not their fault,but it is you! our happiness or sadness is not dependent on the external situations or people. Your state of mind,your expectations and believes rules this. I know that some people habitually put you down or take revenge for the unintentional hurt you caused them. In my experience I know we are wise enough to choose peace over conflict and to avoid such insecure situations.

Simple suggestions to avoid emotional hurt.

1. It is your priority that matter most,to stay in a feeling of hurt or to do something constructive.

2. Think, What we have to learn from this situation.

3. Meditation will keep the mind peaceful.

4. Stay away from the people who constantly try to feel inferior.

5. Respect other people’s opinions, forgive the past and don’t form based opinion about people.

6. Concentrate on your own goals and life, you have no time to waste on others think about you.

Have a peaceful day!