Neem Leaves Benefits, How to use

Neem tree has numerous health benefits. Neem leaves are useful to make many ayurvedic medicines. In this post, we are going to discuss a few important uses of neem leaves.

Skin Disorders

  1. Take few neem leaves and turmeric powder add little water. Grind the mixture and apply on the skin. It will help to relieve skin disorders like; Itching, ringworm and other skin problems.


  1. Neem oil is highly beneficial in disorders of Vata and arthritis.

Cuts & Wounds

  1. Neem leaves and Turmeric grind together and apply on wounds and Cuts. It will help to get quick healing.



  1. Take few neem leaves and boil it in pure water. Drink it twice thrice a day to overcome diarrhea.


  1. Take 5 gms of neem leaves and 5 gms of black pepper grind it. Have it thrice to overcome fever.

Worms in the intestine

  1. Take dried neem leaves and powder it. Have one teaspoon of it in milk every day for a week it deworm the intestine.

Cracks on the foot.

  1. Take equal quantity of neem leaves and turmeric and grind it. Apply the mixture on the foot for better foot care.