Natural Cure(Remedies) for Premature Ageing

Nothing is more certain than the  passage of time and the changes that come with it. Whether we like it or not we are all growing older every day . Naturally we all wish we could stay young and full of energy. But many people have premature ageing which is a common thing now days. We must there for find ways to adjust our minds even as nature seeks to adjust our bodies to the changes of time.

What makes a person grow old? This had been the great question even for Lord Buddha which made him to search for eternity.

Today many people  are looking for some magic pill or tonic or a series of injections or even an operation that might help to prolong their years. So they run from one doctor to doctor to another , hoping to find something that will keep them young and vigorous for a few more years,

Is there any way of turning back the clock of time and preventing these things from coming on? Unfortunately not. But we can do much to delay this process by making it a lifelong habit to choose the right diet. But we can do much to delay the process by making it a life long  habit  to choose the right diet.

Here are is the mudra that help in curing Premature ageing:
Premature ageing/graying of hair:

Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,

 Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,


Some Natural remedies or cure for premature ageing are:

Indian gooseberry Prevents Ageing :- Indian gooseberry has revitalizing effects. It contains an element which is very valuable in preventing ageing and in maintaining strength in old age. It improves body resistance and protects against infection. It strengthens the heart, hair and Different glands in the body. It is said that the great ancient sage Muni Chyawan rejuvenated himself in his late 70s and regained his virility  by the use of amla.
Amaranth(China spinach) for Premature Ageing: The regular  use of amaranth is useful in preventing premature old age. It prevents the disturbance of calcium and iron metabolism which usually occurs in old age. According to Dr. van sylke calcium molecules begin to get deposited in the bone tissues as one becomes old. This haphazard calcium distribution is influenced by the improper molecular movements of iron in the tissues . If this molecular disturbance of calcium and iron is prevented by regular supply of food calcium and iron as found in amaranth and the health is maintained by its regular use from the early age, the process of ageing can be prevented.
Cabbage prevents Premature Ageing: Research has shown that cabbage contains several elements and factors which enhance the immunity of the human body and arrests its premature ageing . The vegetable is of great value for persons of advancing age. Some of the elements help prevent the formation of patches on the walls of blood vessels and stones in the gall bladder. It has been found that a combination of vitamin P and C in cabbage lends strength to the blood vessels.
Curd   prevents Premature Ageing:  Curd  has been associated with longevity. Prof Elic Metchnikoff , a noble prize winning Russian bacteriologist at the Pateur institute, believed that preamture  old age and decay could be prevented by taking sufficient curd in the daily diet. He made an intensive study of the problem of old age in the early 20 th century . He came to the conclusion that the body is slowly being poisoned and its resistance weakened by man’s normal diet and that this poisioning process could be arrested and the intestinal tract kep healthy by the contant , regular use of yoogurt or some variety of acidophilus milk.