These Mudras Will Double Your Brain Power With In A Short Period Of Time


The brain is a vital organ in our body.The brain is the most important organ, but it is also among the most neglected. We can control and master our environment only if our brain is in proper working order.

These mudras empower your brain. Mudra is a part of Ayurveda treatment. It is very useful and easy to practice.Anyone can practice it anytime. 45 minute of practice is enough to get good results. To know more about these mudras click on the links.

Mudras to improve brain power

Before practicing Mudras it is very important to find your Ayurvedic Body type To find your Ayurvedic body type follow this link


Mudras to improve brain power



Mudras to improve brain power


Vayu-vardhak or Gyan mudra 

Mudras to improve brain power

I think this mudra is helpful for you.Also, read my book “Complete Hand Mudras.” It will give you more information about mudras read more