Mudras to Develop Creativity( Effortless way for self growth)

Creativity is a crucial factor in the modern competitive world. what ever may be your profession , creativity is a prime requirement for growth. In this modern atmosphere with out creativity growth is almost impossible. Nothing to worry mudras will help you.  Here I am sharing three simple mudras that will improve your creativity.

Before practicing Mudras it is very important to find your Ayurvedic Body type To find your Ayurvedic body type follow this link

Kapha-nashak mudra

Mudras to Develop Creativity

Kapha-nashak mudra helps to improve enthusiasm and initiative. This mudra helps to develop self-esteem and useful in over come slowness of perception and activities.

Kapha-nashak mudra can be form by placing your ring finger and littler at the bottom of thumb finger and applying little pressure.

To know more about kapha-nashak mudra click here 

Gyaan mudra:

Mudras to Develop Creativity

Gyaan mudra develops mind power and leads to spiritual enlightenment. Brain and alll the nervous system is strengthened.

Gyaan mudra can be formed by jointing the tip of the thumb finger and index finger.

To know more about gyaan mudra click here

Vayaan mudra

Mudras to Develop Creativity

Vayaan mudra is very effective in over come nervous exhaustion and nervous break down. This mudra helps to develop enthusiasm, thoughts and prception. Vayaan mudra is useful to over come lethargy,laziness and debility.

Vayaan mudra can be formed by joining the tips of the middle finger, index finger and thumb finger.

To know more about vayaan mudra click here 

I think this mudra is helpful for you.Also, read my book “Complete Hand Mudras.” It will give you more information about mudras read more