Mudras to over come emotional weakness

Emotional weakness is the main dragging force that stoping you from leading a successful life. When  you analyze a failures most of the time the main curlprit is your bad emotions. Nothing to worry to day I am sharing few important and simple mudras that will help you to over come these emotional weakness.

Pran mudra, Avahana mudra, Abhaya varada mudra and hansi mudra are very useful to get rid of these emotional weakness.


Pran mudra:

Mudras to over come emotional weakness

Emotional weakness like  anger, mental tension,irritability, jealousness,pride, impatience, chronic,sense of time-urgency can be over come through pran mudra.

It is very easy to perform,just joining the tip of the ring finger and little finger with the thumb finger wil form pran mudra. just thirty minute of practice is good enough to get good result. to know more about pran mudra and its benefits click here


Abhaya varada mudra:

Feeling of fear and anxity can be easily over come through abhaya

Abhaya varada mudra

varada mudra. Regular practice of this mudra will help you to lead a fearless life.

How to perform: place the hands like in the picture.
Avahana mudra:

This mudra is very much beneficial to over come your ego. If your ego is stoping you from asking any favour from any one then this mudra will help you to over come this situation.

images of avahana mudra
Avahana mudra
This mudra is formed by Place palms beside each other,  press thumbs into base of index finger, little fingers touching,hold other fingers together; place hands at solar plexus.
Hansi mudra:
If you are in a feeling of sad or loneliness then hansi mudra will help you to over come this painful situaition.
Hansi mudra can be formed by  touching the  tips of all fingers together except for the pinkie fingers. Hold hands out to sides in a cactus position with extended pinkies pointing upwards.