Mudra Treatment For Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa refers to the loss of appetite resulting from nervous anxiety.This worrying is self-induced and seen mainly in the woman.This is a psychological disorder and begins to slim.The woman who is suffering from this disease reduces intake of food and gradually become eating nothing and becomes fragile.She develops a distorted image of her body and is not able to realize that it is very harmful and that it spoils the appearance rather than enhance it.

Mudra For Anorexia nervosa 

Mudra therapy is very useful to overcome this psychological disorder.Gyan mudra and Akash vardhak mudra are helpful for this condition.

Mudra works according to Ayurveda principles. It is efficient to manipulate Doshas. Just forty-five minutes of regular practice is enough to get good results. To know more about these mudrs click on the links.

Gyan mudra 

Mudra For Anorexia nervosa