Mudra treatment for Eczema

Eczema is a condition in which the skin patches become inflamed, irritated, red, cracked and become rough Sometimes blisters appear.


The word “eczema” is also used specifically to talk about atopic dermatitis, the most common type of eczema.

“Atopic” refers to a series of diseases that affect the immune system, such as atopic dermatitis, asthma and hay fever. Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin.


Some people get the disease, while others are affected as adults.



Here are some important points about eczema.

Certain foods can trigger symptoms such as nuts and dairy products.
Symptoms vary depending on the age of the person with eczema, but often include scales and itchy skin.
Eczema can also be triggered by environmental factors such as smoke and pollen. However, eczema is not curable.

The treatment focuses on the healing of damaged skin and the relief of symptoms. There is still no comprehensive treatment for eczema, but the symptoms can be treated.

Atopic dermatitis is not an infectious disease.

The symptoms of eczema may vary according to the age of the patient.

Atopic dermatitis is common in babies. Dry, scaly patches appear on the skin. These spots are often sharp.

Most people develop eczema before age 5. Half of those affected in childhood continue to have symptoms until adulthood.

However, these symptoms are usually different from those of children.

People with this disease often experience periods in which their symptoms appear or worsen, followed by periods in which their symptoms improve.


Symptoms in children under 2 years.

  • Rashes often occur on the scalp and cheeks.
  • Rashes usually occur before the fluid leaks.
  • Rashes can cause extreme itching. This can affect sleep. Rubbing and scratching can continually cause skin infections.
  • Symptoms in children 2 years of puberty.
  • Rashes often occur behind the wrists of the elbow or knee.
  • They are also common in the neck, wrists, ankles and in the crease between the buttocks and the legs.
  • Over time, the following symptoms may appear:
  • The eruptions can be uneven.
  • Brighten or darken the eruptions.
  • The eruptions can swell in a process known as lichenification. Rashes can develop bumps and constant itching.

Symptoms in adults.

  • Rashes often bend at the elbows, knees and neck.
  • The rashes cover a large part of the body.
  • The rashes can be pronounced especially in the area of the neck, the face and the eyes.
  • Rashes can cause very dry skin.
  • The eruptions may sting permanently.
  • Adults in eruptions may be thicker than children.
  • Rashes can cause skin infections.
  • Adults who develop atopic dermatitis when they are children, but do not have it, can have dry or easily irritable skin, eczema on the hands and eye problems.

The appearance of the skin affected by eczema depends on how the person scratches and skin infections. Scratching and rubbing further irritates the skin, increases inflammation and aggravates itching.

Mudras will help you to overcome this situation.

Mudra For Eczema- dry: Jal-vardhak mudra will be helpful

Mudra treatment for Eczema


Mudra for Eczema- weeping : Jal-shaamak mudra is the best mudra.

Mudra treatment for Eczema



Before practicing Mudras it is very important to find your Ayurvedic Body type To find your Ayurvedic body type follow this link

Juice fasting for Eczema


Juices of Red grapes, Carrot, Spinach, Cucumber and Beet are good for this condition. Three to five days juice fasting is enough to get good results.


Red grapes Juice for Eczema
Carrot Juice for Eczema
Spinach Juice for Eczema
Cucumber Juice for Eczema
Beet Juice for Eczema.
If you are in a juice fasting, then you have to take these juices in every three hours.You may take juices five to six times a day. 300 ml of water with 30 grams of honey may be taken the first thing in the morning on arising. After that, the prescribed juice may be taken at three-hourly intervals. The quantity of juice on each time should be 300 ml, and you can increase it to 600 ml gradually. The juice fasting may continue up to forty days without any ill-effects. You should take adequate rest during the raw juice fasting.