Mudra For Initiative( Improvement of leadership)

Every wants to be a leader in life and profession, but only a few are lucky to achieve it. Here I am sharing few important mudras that will help to improve leadership qualities in you.

Mudra For Initiative( Improvement of leadership)

Gyan mudr, Vaayan mudr and Kapha-nashak mudr are very effective in developing leadership qualities in you. This mudra will help you to be an initiative in all aspects of life.

Gyan mudr

Mudra For Initiative( Improvement of leadership)

Gyan mudr or vayu vardhak mudr increases vayu element within the body which contributes to improving enthusiasm, strengthen the nervous system, creates new thoughts, develops creativity and spiritual knowledge.

Joining the tip of the thumb finger and index finger together will form Gyan mudr.

Vaayan mudr

Mudra For Initiative( Improvement of leadership)


This mudr also have the same effect of increases Vayu element and all the above benefits and also development peace and noble thoughts.

This mudr can be formed by joining the tip of the thumb finger, middle finger and index finger together.

Kapha-nashak mudr:

Mudra For Initiative( Improvement of leadership)


This mudr will reduce earth element within the body, earth element causes numbness and reduces enthusiasm. By reducing earth element, we can improve spirit and leadership qualities.

Click on the name of the mudras to know more about the mudras.

Before practicing Mudras it is very important to find your Ayurvedic Body type To find your Ayurvedic body type follow this link

I think this mudra is helpful for you.Also, read my book “Complete Hand Mudras.” It will give you more information about mudras read more