Mudra For Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common problem in the winter season. Madras are one of the best choices to get rid of it.

Mudra For dry skin

Jal-vardhak mudra:

Mudra For dry skin

Varun mudra or jal-vardhak mudra increases water element within the body, which helps to moisture your skin. 30 to 45 minutes of practice is good enough to get a better result. Click here to know more about Varun mudra.


Prithvi-vardhak mudra:

Mudra For dry skin

Prithvi mudra or Prithvi vardhak mudra helps to increase earth element which contributes to increasing Kapha humor which moisture your skin. To know about Prithvi mudra click here.

Vaayu mudra:

Mudra For dry skin

Vaayu mudra or Vaayu-shamak mudra helps to decrease air element within the body which contributes to reducing Vata dosha which contributes to preventing dryness in the body.

Vaata-naashak mudra:

Mudra For dry skin

Vaata-nashak mudra helps to reduce Vata dosha which provides to overcome dryness of the skin.

Kapha-kaarak mudra:

Mudra For dry skin

Pran mudra or Kapha-kaarak mudra helps to increase Kapha humor which helps to moisture your skin.


Apaan mudra:

Mudra For dry skin

Apaan mudra increases Kapha humor in the body which helps the skin to keep the moisture.

Click on the links to know more about mudras.

Before practicing Mudras it is very important to find your Ayurvedic Body type To find your Ayurvedic body type follow this link