Mudra For Biliousness,How to do, duration, precautions

According to Ayurveda, this disease is caused due to the vitiation of Pitta and Vata.  The practice of Prithvi mudra and Pran mudra helps to balance the excess Pitta and Vata also improves immunity.


Prithvi mudra

How to do Prithvi mudra.


Join the tips of the ring finger and thumb finger to for Prithvi mudra.


Pran Mudra

How to do Pran mudra


Join the tips of the ring finger, little finger and thumb finger to form Pran mudra.


Duration of mudra practice


45 minutes of regular practice or 15 minutes thrice a day

You have to do mudras with both the hands. Just a simple touch of the tips of fingers is enough to get results of mudra practice.


If you are a Kapha excess person, then do these mudras in moderation only.