Mudra For Ascites,How to do, duration and precautions

If more than 25 milliliters (ml) of fluid accumulate in the stomach, it is called ascites. Ascites usually occurs when the liver is no longer functioning properly. In liver disorders, fluid fills the space between the abdominal wall and the organs.

According to the clinical guidelines published in the Journal of Hepatology 2010, the two-year survival rate is 50%.

Causes of ascites

Ascites is most commonly caused by scarring of the liver, also known as cirrhosis. The scarring increases the pressure in the blood vessels of the liver. The increased pressure can push the fluid into the abdominal cavity and cause ascites.


Mudra For ascites

Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling.

The practice of mudras like Pitta-kaarak mudra , Vaayan mudra and Jal-shaamak mudra are useful to overcome this condition.

Pitta Kaarak mudra

How to do Pitta-Kaarak mudra

Place the tips of little finger, ring finger at the bottom of thumb finger to form Pitta-kaarak mudra.
Vaayan mudra


How to do Vaayan mudra

Join the tips of index finger, middle finger and thumb finger to form Vaayan mudra.
Jal-shamak mudra

How to do Jal-shamak mudra

Place the tips of little finger at the bottom of thumb finger to form Jal-shamak mudra.
Duration of mudra practice

45 minutes of regular practice
15 minutes thrice a day.

You have to practice mudras with both the hands.


If you are a pitta excess person then do these mudras in moderation only.