Ayurveda Kapha Constitution

Ayurveda Kapha Constitution
Ayurveda divides the human prakriti into mainly three constitutions Vatta,Pitta and Kapha. Totally as per various studies there 7 types of human body constitutions with combination of vatta,pitta and kapha prakrite.

 Samadosha is an excellent  while others are considered as defective constitutions and susceptible for various diseases.

All the diseases caused to us is a defective of any of these constitutions in our body Each prakriti has specific physical and mental characteristics which totally depend on the involvement of dosha

Kapha prakruti(constitution)
Kapha represents Water of the basic five elements(air,earth,water,fire and sky).
Kapha – Types & Their Functions
  • Tarpaka Kapha : Responsible for moisture for nose, mouth, eyes and brain
  • Bhodaka Kapha : Governs Sense of taste, which is essential for good digestion
  • Kledaka Kapha : Controls moisture of the stomach and intestinal mucosal lining
  • Avalambaka Kapha : Protects the heart, strong muscles, healthy lungs
  • Sleshaka Kapha : Lubricates the joints,Keeps skin soft and supple.



People of Kapha constitution have well-developed bodies. Ther is, however, a strong tendency for these individuals to carry excess weight. Their chests are expanded and broad. The veins and tendons of Kapha people are not obvious because of their thick skin and their muscle development is good. The bones are not prominent.
Their complexion is fair and bright. The skin is soft, lustrous and oily; it is also cold and pale. The eyes are dense and black or blue; the white of the eye is generally very white, large and atractive. The conjuctiva does not tend to redness.
Physiologically, kapha peoplle have regular appetites, the digestion functions realtively slowly and there is less intake of food. They tend to move slowly. They crave pungent, bitter and astringent foods. Stools are soft and may be pale in colour; Evacuation is slow. Their perspiration is moderate. Sleep is sound and prolonged. There is a strong vital capacity evidenced by good stamina, and kapha people are generally halthy, happy an d peaceful.

Pyschologically, they tend to be tolerant, calm, forgivng and loving;however, they also exhibit traits of greed, attachment, envy and possessiveness. Their comphrehension is slow but definite; once they understand something, that knowledge is retained.
Kapha people tend to be wealthy. They earn money and are god at holdint on to it.
Imbalances of Kapha
  • Do regular exercise, Begin with Sooryanamaskara to warm up your body, which should be followed by a Vigorous activity
  • Prefer warm temperatures, Stay warm and dry in cold, damp weather
  • Use Fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes
  • Favor pungent, bitter, astringent, light, dry and warm foods



Useful Tips To Balance Kapha Dosha
  • Do regular exercise, Begin with Sooryanamaskara to warm up your body, which should be followed by a Vigor
    ous activity 
  • Prefer warm temperatures, Stay warm and dry in cold, damp weather 
  • Use Fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes 
  • Favor pungent, bitter, astringent, light, dry and warm foods 


DON’Ts For Kapha Dosha

  • Reduce heavy, oily, cold, sweet, sour and salty foods
  • Avoid heavy meals.
  • Sleep promotes Kapha hence avoid excessive sleep,
  • All frozen desserts are to be avoided.


People having a kapha constitution are prone to develop disease listed under the Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra and  Linga mudra.