Three major guGas and its behaviors

In Samkhya philosophy, there are three major guGas that serve as the fundamental operating principles or ‘tendencies’ of prak[ti (universal nature) which are called: sattva guGa, rajas guGa, and tamas guGa. The three primary gunas are generally accepted to be associated with creation (sattva), preservation (rajas), and destruction – rather TRANSFORMATION than destruction – (tamas) (see also Aum and Trimurti). The entire creation and its process of evolution is carried out by these three major gunas.

Creation  The pure essence of light, right action, and spiritual purpose.  It is potential energy, the observer.  A person with this quality is calm, alert, kind, and thoughtful.  This is considered the first stage of Samadhi or spiritual realization.
Vata dosha – A sattvic influence creates comprehension, the need for unity and healing, and creates a positive mental outlook.
Pitta dosha – A sattvic influence creates clarity, intelligence, leadership, warmth, and independence.
Kapha dosha  A sattvic influence creates calmness, peace, love, compassion, faith, nurturing, and forgiveness.

Maintenance  The principle of movement, change, and excitability.  It is kinetic energy, the observation.  A person whose mind is predominantly rajasic, too active, is always seeking diversions.  Most rajasic individuals, enthusiastically study spiritual and holistic measures to improve themselves.
Vata dosha – A rajasic influence creates indecisiveness, unrealibility, hyperactivity, and anxiety.
Pitta dosha  A rajasic influence creates willfulness, ambition, anger, manipulation, vanity, impulsiveness, and aggressiveness.
Kapha dosha  A rajasic influence creates greed for money, material luxuries, and comfort.  They are too sentimental, controlling, attached, and lustful.

Destruction  The inertia, darkness, and confusion.  It is the object to be observed.  A tamasic predominant mind is a dull, lethargic mind.
Vata dosha – A tamasic influence creates fear, dishonesty, depression, self-destructiveness, addictive behavior, sexual perversions, animal instincts, or suicidal thoughts.
Pitta dosha  A tamasic influence creates vindictiveness, violence, hate, criminality, and psychopathic behavior.
Kapha dosha  A tamasic influences create dullness, sloth, lethargy, depression, lack of care and a tendency to steal