How Mudras Are Works To Cure In Female Sterility

Mudra treatment to cure female sterility

 Mudra treatment to cure female sterility
Defects in the genital organs may be organic or functional.To correct structural defects, surgical measures have been devised.But some functional defects of these organs can also be successfully treated by mudra therapy. On condition is called bandhyatva issueless in Ayurveda. And generally, this is caused by the simultaneous aggravation of all the three doshas. The combination of sperm and ovum and their implantation in the wall of the uterus leads to the development of the foetus.
For the proper development of a foetus, proper nourishment should be provided through the mother, and the mother should be free from disease during the period of conception and gestation.Sterility in females is a result of either the impairment of the ovary, uterus, fallopian tubes or hormones controlling the functions of these organs as well as the disease of the would-be mother.
Samman mudra is very useful to treat this condition.Samman mudra helps to balance all the three doshas.