High Blood Pressure Natural remedy

There are many natural treatments believed to be useful for treating high blood pressure or hypertension.Modern research proved that diet that is low in saturated fat and salt and rich in complex carbohydrates(vegetables,wholegrains,legumes,and fruits
),increased physical activity and regular practice of relaxation techniques like yoga,meditation and mudra can help lower high blood pressure.Diet that lowers high blood pressure:The most efficient and simplest way to lower your blood pressure is to eat a healthy diet.Eating more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods.Cutting back on foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol and total fat.

Eating a whole grain products, fish, poultry and nuts.

Eating less red meat and sweets.

Eating foods that are rich in magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

Exercise that lowers blood pressure:

All the studies indicate that men and women of all the age groups who are physically active have a decreased risk of developing high blood pressure.Exercise can lower blood pressure as much as some drugs can.People with mild and moderately elevated blood pressure who use 30 to 60 minutes daily may be able to significantly decreases their blood pressure readings.




Stress management and breathing exercise to lower blood pressure:Recent studies suggest that ancient relaxation methods that include controlled breathing gentle physical activity like pranayama and yoga asana are beneficial.People with mild hypertension who practised these healing technique daily tor two to three months experienced significant decreases in their blood pressure, hold lower levels of stress hormones and were less anxious.

Yoga asanas to decrease hypertension:

Surya namaskar,makarasana,matsyasana,vajrasana,ardhpadmasana,pavanmuktasana,shavasana are very beneficial in hypertension.

Pranayam to decrease high blood pressure:

Anoloma-viloma and abdominal breathing are helpful pranayamas to decrease blood pressure.

All the asanas should, how ever, be discontinued except shavasana if the blood pressure is above 200 millimeters.

Mudra treatment to decrease blood pressure:

High blood pressure: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudraAakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra

These mudras are very effective in reducing blood pressure.

These are few natural treatments to reduce high blood pressure or hyper tension.

Important Note: Please consult an expert before following any natural treatments tips or advice.