Healing HIV Or AIDS Naturally

This is a part of the book healing diseases naturally
                                                                                 By Nadeem Divekar
Healing HIV/ AIDS Naturally
Anything can be healed if you can
Dissolve Mental Pattern  Dissolve Diseases
   The notion that AIDS is an incurable disease, although it can be preventable, treatable and ultimately curable illness. Nature cures treatment come under category of immune modulator treatments that increase immune response often increasing T4 – Cell counts.

Early Detection of HIV with Acupressure:

   Pressing on point of spleen and thyroid / para thyroid gland pint. Uneasy pain indicates HIV infection. The pain on lymph gland indicates the advance stage of infection. Patient with sex abuse get pain on adrenal gland.
Treatment for HIV/ AIDS:
1.      Fasting: on gold /silver/copper/iron charged water for a week.
2.      Pineapple juice fast for a week.
3.      Green raw juice fasting: Leafy veg.,sprouted moon , alfalfa etc. salad ( raddish, carrot, tomato , beet)
4.      Soak ajwan seed for 12 hrs and take before sunset.
5.      For removing excess heat take 1 tablespoon hartika powder at early morning on empty stomach for 10 days. Or soak black pepper with 2 teaspoon crystal sugar and drink on empty stomach for a5 days.
6.      To increase heat half tablespoon turmeric with warm water daily for 10 days.
7.      1 tablespoon triphala powder with glass of luke warm water at bedtime.
8.      Drink 1 tablespoon of amla powder daily for 15 days.
9.      Drink lime (Limbo) juice with luke warm water   for 15 days.
10.  1 tablespoon of methi powder with luke warm water after half an hour of meal
11.  Lin seed (Alsi ) soak in a glass  of a water in night  and take on empty stomach in the morning
Bio Chem Mixture: Cal phos, Kali Phos , kali mur , Fer Phos , kali Iod, All in 30 potency dose 1gm powder or 6 pills three times a day.
Colour Therapy: Blue Light on whole body for 10 minutes daily
Sun Bathing: After sunrise and before half an hour of sunset
Acupressure Treatment: Apply pressure on all organ endocrine gland for 5 minutes on both palms and 2 minutes on point finding pains.
Abdominal Breathing: Exhale air by slowly pressing stomach inward and shut mouth and inhale air from nose by releasing stomach upward.
Sun Pranayam: Inhale and Exhale only with right nostril for 5 minutes three times a day.
Mudra Thearpy: Ling mudra increase heat and Pran mudra strength prayana i.e. breathe
Hydro Therapy: Drink 12 glasses through out a day.
Auto Suggestion Affirmation: I am healthy, I am safe, My T4 Cell are constantly increasing, I am strong and healthy
Meditation: 10 minutes of meditation a day can change your life.
I can over come with power of will, faith and pray