Ayurveda and natural treatment for Gonorrhoea

Gonorrhea or Ushmavata as known in Ayurveda is one of the most common venereal or sexually transmitted diseases (STD), known as the clap.

In both men and women, the first symptom is usually painful and frequent urination accompanied by urethral of vaginal discharge. Women may have such mild symptoms, however, that they see no reason to visit the doctor. Meanwhile, the infection remains, can be transmitted, and may evolve into a serious disease. Lymph glands associated with the genitals swell and the virus can spread into the uterus and fallopian tubes where it causes sterility. Men are less able to ignore the symptoms, but if they do, the disease spreads up the urethral tract affecting the prostate and the testicles as well as structures surrounding them again. if the infection gets into gonads, sterility may result.


Left untreated, gonorrhea can cause forms of arthritis and even blindness, especially in infants born to infected mothers. The infection is not passed to the fetus, but at birth, the bacteria enters the eyes.

Unlike syphilis, which may have been brought to Europe by sailors who took Christopher Columbus to the new world, gonorrhea has always been around, at least as far as medical record-keeping is concerned. The incubation period is short, two to 10 days but usually three. One infection does not produce immunity, so it is possible to catch gonorrhea often. Indeed, promiscuity is almost a guarantee of catching the clap. Hardly surprising, therefore, that amongst young men, the infection can be a sign of manhood. The disease is not in itself serious, through its complication can be, and it is seldom fatal. What is more, modern drugs invariably cure the infection.


However, with the rapid rise in case that has characterized the post-pill era, there is evidence of something more sinister. Frequent STD infections are thought to contribute to the emergence of potentially fatal conditions. For, example, people who develop A.I.D.S may do so in part because their immune defense system has been”overstressed” by frequent STD infections.


The bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Does not survive long outside the body.


Treatment: The following medicines are recommended:

1. Payamehantaka Rasa 1 gm.

Raladi Churna 3.gm

To be given thrice daily with water with which a little unboiled fresh milk is added.

2. Chandanadi Vati 1/2 gm.

To given in two hourly does along with the medicine prescribed above.

3. Shatapatryadi Churna 4 gm.

In a single dose at night with the warmed milk of a cow.

The medicines prescribed for dysuria are also useful in gonorrhea, but the following regimen must be followed:

The patient should be given complete rest. Riding horses or other forms of transport, especially cycle, bike etc. Particularly in which the posterior comes in any discussion or thinking of sex. Hi baths in warm water are indicated. Diuretics and laxatives in the case of constipation are also indicated.

The fluid intake should be increased with water mixed with a little milk being the chief drink. Along with the oral medication, local application is advised. The urethra should be flushed with a solution of potassium permanganate with the help of a syringe.