Complete Nature Cure For Gastritis

Gastritis, its Ayurvedic name, trouble someUrdhavaga Amltroublesomecondition which gives rise to many complications if not treated in time.
Causes for gastritis: The primary cause of an attack of gastritis is a dietary indiscretion.Infections like influenza, foodpoisoning, toxins of uraemia and gout and swallowing of acids and alkalis also give rise to gastritis.Improperly cooked foods, excessive intake of strong tea, coffee, or alcoholic drinks, habitual  use of large quantities of condiments souses etc.Most often it also results from worry, anxiety, grief and prolonged tension.persons of having pita constitution is more prone to an attack of gastritis than vata and kapha.
Symptoms of gastritis: Main symptoms of gastritis are a loss of appetite, sickness or nausea, headache, and giddiness.There is also pain and a general feeling of discomfort in the region of the stomach, sour eructations and frequent vomiting, first of food and then of bilious substances.The patient experiences acid eruption accompanied by burning sensation in the chest.The appetite is either suppressed, or there is a false appetite.The patient feels weak and irritable.There might be a pain in the upper part of the abdomen which is some times aggravated immediately after taking food, or even when the stomach is empty.In more chronic cases there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, especially after meals.The patient complains of heartburn.Prolonged illness often results in the loss of weight, anaemia and occasional haemorrhage from the stomach.There may be an outpouring of mucus and a reduction in the secretion of hydrochloric acid during acute attacks and also in most cases of chronic gastritis.If pressure is exerted there might be tenderness in the upper part of the stomach. The patient may also suffer from nausea, giddiness, and headache. Patients with chronic gastritis become emaciated and anaemic.

Mudra treatment to cure gastritis:

Mudra therapy is an effective way of therapy to cure gastritis.It is a non-medical and no-cost treatment.Prithvi vardhak,vaayu-shamak,vaata-nashak,apan,appan -vaayu mudra are very much beneficial in the treatment of gastritis.

Diet for gastritis

1.A glass of Luke warm water mixed with lemon and a spoon honey on the wake-up.

2. In breakfast take fresh fruits(apple, orange, banana, grapes, grape fruit, like any available fruits)a cup of raw nuts and a glass milk.

3.Mid morning snack, Apple, banana or any other available fruit.

4.Lunch, steamed vegetable, three pieces of bread or chapati and  a glass of butter milk.

5.Mid after noon, A glass of fresh fruit juice or any other vegetable of sugar cane juice.6, At night dinner, A large bowl of fresh salad of green  vegetables, with one lemon juice,

7.Before slip, one glass of milk or one apple,

We should avoid these foods in the diet, alcohol, nicotine, spices and condiments,fresh foods, chilies and sour things, pickles, strong tea and coffee, sweets, pastries, rich cakes should be avoided in the diet,

A combination of carrot and spinach juice is beneficial for the treatment of gastritis. The combination is like this 200 ml of spinach with 300 ml of carrot.

Coconut water is a best natural remedy for gastritis.if only coconut water taken in 24 hrs fast will be great beneficial.

Rice  gruel is another effective remedy for gastritis.

Too many food groups taken in one meal is not good; food should be taken at least two or three hours before sleep, ten glass of water should be taken, Don’t drink water during meals.


Ayurveda treatment for gastritis:


Amalaki is the drug of choice for gastritis.It is given to the patient in powder from in a dose of two teaspoonfuls four times a day.

Dhatri luaha is often used by the physician for its treatment.The chief ingredient of this compound preparation is lauchabhasma and it is impregnated with the juice of amalaki.This is given to the patient in a dose of one teaspoonfuls twice a daily.

If the patient is constipated, Avipattikara churna is the medicine of choice.It is given in a dose of two teaspoonfuls at bedtime. The chief ingredient of this medicine is trivrit. The root-bark of this drug stimulates the liver and thus works as a laxative.Coconut and white variety of pumpkin are also used as medicine for the treatment for this condition.

Gastritis or urdhavagaamlapitla is caused by vitation of pitta.Ghee also plays an important  role in alleviating pitta.Therefore, medicated ghee, which works as a laxative as well, is useful in the treatment of this condition.Commonly Sukumara ghrita is used for the treatment of this condition.It is given in a dose of two teaspoonfuls twice daily mixed with a cup of milk on an empty stomach.In the beginning this may affect the power of digestion.

Yoga treatment to cure gastritis:

yoga asanas like Vajra asana after eating food or in the morning is very beneficial and padmasana and other light breathing exercises are very beneficial to over come gastritis.

Natural home remedies to cure gastritis:

coconut water is an excellent home remedy for gastritis.It gives the stomach necessary rest and provides vitamines and minerals. A full one day coconut water fasting is a very useful resotre the normal condition.

Garlic is another effective hopme remedy for gastritis which helps to expel gas.

Cabbage is an effective natural remedy for gastritis. It helps to heal stomach ulcers.

 Spices are using in ancient medicine as carminatives agents that help expel gas and relieve flatulence.Oils in the plants are considered main pharmacological agent.This oils relax smooth muscles, thereby allowing gas to escape. some times the gas erupts up word through a relaxed sphincter muscles between the esophagus and stomach.Then it is called belch. Carminatives spices also have an anti spasmodic, muscle relaxing effect in the intestine.Spices that have carminative activity are aniseed, asafotetida, caraway seeds, garlic, ginger, and mint.

Aniseed seed for treatment of abdominal gas:

Aniseed seed has the property of abdominal gas relieving. It is an excellent remedy for flatulence and it helps expel wind from the stomach. It is very useful in combination with other digestive foods like ginger, cumin and pepper, in the form infusion. Boiled with milk and large cardamom, it is an excellent carminative bottle’fed infants.

Asafoetida for treatment of abdominal gas:

Asafoetida is a gas relieving food and an ideal medicine for several digestive disorders.It is one of the best medicine for expelling gas from the abdomen. This spices has the found beneficial treatment of spasmodic disorders, indigestion and colic.

Caraway seeds for treatment for abdominal gas:

Caraway seeds are useful  in strengthening function of stomach. They are gas relieving and help expel gas from the abdominal. They are useful in flatulent.

Garlic for the treatment of abdominal gas

Garlic is one of the most valuable foods for the digestive system. It exercises a beneficial effect on the lymph, aids in elimination of noxious waste matter from the body.

Ginger for the treatment of abdominal disorders

Ginger is a valuable drug for disorders of the digestive system. It is extremely useful in dyspepsia, flatulence, colic,nausea, vomiting, spasms, and other painful affection of the stomach and bowel.

Mint for digestive disorders.

Mint is an excellent appetizer. Its fresh juice is beneficial in the treatment of indigestion biliousness, flatulent colic, thread worms and morning sickness.It should be taken mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice and honey thrice a day.

Juice fasting to cure gastritis:

A one week exclusive juice is very beneficial in the treatment of gastritis. juices of tomato, carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumber, lemon, orange, grape and banana are the best juice to cure gastritis. Carrot juice in combination with juice of spinach is highly beneficial to cure gastritis. 200ml spinach juice should be mixed with 300ml of carrot juice in this combination.

Important points to consider:

* The patient should not expose him self hard mental or physical work.
* He should avoid anxiety, worry and angry.
* He should take complete rest.
* A brisk walking is necessary.
* Sesame seeds, masha, kulattha, gram, pungent and sour things, heavy food , curd and alcoholic drinks are harmful.
* In sever cases of gastritis the patient should preferably kept exclusively on milk diet consisting of milk and old rise.

Here I tried my best to explain in a simple manner.If you need any clarification contact me or leave a comment.

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