Urdhva Dhanurasana, Benefits, How to do, Precautions

Urdhava Dhanurasana

It is also called as “The Full Bridge yoga pose.”The meaning of “Urdhava” is upwards. Meaning of “Dhanu” is Bow.

Urdhva Dhanurasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana

In this posture, the body is arched back and
supported on the palms and soles….

Precautions :

Avoid the pose or practising with care if you
suffer from a back injury, carpal tunnel
syndrome, diarrhoea, headache, heart problems,
and low or high blood pressure.

If you have weak wrists, perform the pose with
your hands pointing in the opposite direction to
your feet. This will reduce the strain on your

Benefit Of Urdhava Dhanurasana

  • It helps to strengthen the forearms, shoulders,
    and wrists.
  • It helps in strengthening the legs.
  • The Upward Bow pose also helps in toning the buttocks.
  • This Yoga pose is also very beneficial in increasing the strength and flexibility of the back, spine, and abdomen.
  • It also helps in stretching the rib cage, lungs, and chest.
  • The Upward Bow is also an excellent stretch for the biceps and triceps.
  • Treatment of osteoporosis.
  • Counteracting depression
  • Increasing energy.

Tips for beginners

In this position, where the lower back is compressed, the knees and feet tend to yield. In the starting position, tie and tie a strap around your thighs just above the knees to keep them wide at the hips and parallel to each other. To prevent the feet from turning, place a block between them with the base of the big toes pressing the ends of the block. When climbing, press your feet in the block.

A good beginners tip for Upward Bow is to
secure and loop a strap a little above the knees
and around the thighs so that the thighs are
held at hips width and are parallel to each other.
This is helpful because the feet and knees tend
to play while you raise yourself into the pose,
compressing the lower back.


  • Stretch the chest and lungs.
  • Strengthens arms and wrists, legs, glutes, abdomen and spine.
  • Stimulates the thyroid and pituitary.
  • Increase energy and neutralize depression.
  • Therapeutics for asthma, back pain, infertility and osteoporosis.

A partner can help you learn more about shoulder work in this position. Ask your partner to stand in front of you. Make the pose. Your partner can place his hands on the sides of his torso so that his palms cover the shoulder blades and encourage them to move away from the spine.



Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana (pronounced ACHE-ah POD-ah, eka = one, pada = foot or leg)

Do Urdhva Dhanurasana. Move your weight on your left foot and bend your right knee with an exhalation and pull it towards your chest. Then inhale and stretch the right leg at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the floor. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, exhale, bend the knee and return the foot to the floor. Repeat with the left leg for the same duration.

Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana
Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana