Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes causes many health problems,Eye damage is a common problem among diabetes patients.Blindness due to eye complications in quite common.It is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in peolpe aged 20 to 74.It is five times more prevalent in individuals with diabetes than those with normal blood sugar levels.Eye complications may affect both extra retinal and intra-retinal structures.As a result,diabetics may get frequent eye infection,refractive errors,glaucoma,early onset of cataract and corneal diseases, all of which contribute to the high rate of blindness.The major cause of blindness in people with diabetes is diabetic retinopathy. This.This refers to damage to or diseaseof the retina,the delicate,membrane that lines the inside wall of the back and the sides of the eye.Retina is nourished by many tiny blood vessels.These vessels are the first to be damages by high blood sugar.The walls of the blood vessels become weak and there may be leakage from these blood vessels.degenerative changes occur in the cells of the retina.Besides,new defective capillaries rapidly grow in the retina.All these changes lead to gradual decrease in vision.Excessive bleeding in the retina may lead to the detachment of the retina and cause sudden loss of vision.

Nearly all the patients who have type-1 diabetes for about 20 years will have evidence of diabetic retinopathy.Up to 21 per cent of people with type -2 diabetes have retinopathy when they are first diagnosed with diabetes and most eventually develop some degree of retinopahy.

Prevention and natural treatment of diabetic retinopathy:

The most important factors in preventing diabetes-related eye problems is good control of blood glucose levels,a healthy diet and good eye care.The diabetes control and complications trial,a 10-year study conducted by the U>S National institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases ,established decisively diabetic retinopathy among type-1 patients Although the study did not involve people with type-2 diabetes.Therapy that keeps blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible reduces damage to the eye by at least 50 percent.

Regular eye check ups at least twice a year,are strongly recommended by an eye-specialist or when ever even a slight deterioration in vision is felt.Both deterioration and loss of sight can be prevented by early detection and immediate remedial action.

Eye Exercises.Exercises to relax and strengthen the eyes can help in preventing and treating eye complications in diabetes.These include moving the eyes gently up and down,from side to side and in a circular motion,clock-wise and anti-clock wise,rotating the neck in circles and semicircles and briskly moving the shoulders clock-wise and anti-clock wise.

Palming of eyes is beneficial in removing strain and relaxing the eyes and its surrounding tissues.The procedure is as follows: sit comfortably in an arm chair or on a settee, ans relax with your eyes closed,cover your eyes with your palms,right palm over the right eye and left palm over the left eye.Do not,how ever press down on the eyes.With your eyes closed thus try to imagine blackness,which grows blacker and blacker.Palming reduces strain and relaxes the eyes and its surrounding tissues.

These are the nature care to prevent Diabetic eye damage.