Diabetic Neuropathy Complete nature cure

Neuropathy is a common long-term complication of diabetes.An intricate network of nerves runs through the body,connecting brain to muscles,skin and other organs.Through these nerves,the brain senses pain,controls muscles and performs involuntary,automatic tasks such as breathing and digestion.High sugar levels weakens the walls of the blood vessels that nourish these nerves.Researches reporting that nearly 90 percent of diabetic patients suffers from one or another complication of the nervous system.However,only 25 to 50 percent of them have to face serious complications.Many diabetics develop a weakness and numbness of nerves.They feels weak and numb in the claves and legs,and do not feel strong enough to carry the weight of the body.They frequently develop leg cramps.Adverse effects on the autonomous nervous system may lower the efficiency of the urinary bladder.This may result in incomplete emptying of the bladder or uncontrollable dribbling of urine.70 percent of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of diabetic nerves damage.In severe forms,it can lead to lower limb amputation. In.In fact diabetes is the most frequent cause of non-traumatic lower limb amputations.The risk of leg amputation 20 to 40 times greater for a person with diabetes.
Causes For Neuropathy

The causes for diabetic neuropathy  are changes  for different types of diabetic neuropathy

Nerve damage is likely due to a combination of factors:metabolic factors, such as high blood glucose, long duration of diabetes, abnormal blood fat levels, and possibly low levels of insulin
neurovascular factors, leading to damage to the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to nerves
autoimmune factors that cause inflammation in nerves
mechanical injury to nerves, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
inherited traits that increase susceptibility to nerve disease
lifestyle factors, such as smoking or alcohol use

Symptoms of neuropathy

  • Weakened muscles.
  • Unsteady walk.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Increased perspiration levels.
  • Impaired sensory levels of pain,warmth,cold,texture.etc.
  • Tringling,numbness,pain or a combination of these in legs and some times in the arms.
  • Impaired erection in men.
  • Stabbing or aching pain,often worse at night.

Complete Nature Cure For Neuropathy

The best way to cure or prevent neuropathy naturally is taking a well balanced nutritious diet.The emphasis should be on whole grains,particularly whole wheat,brown rice,raw ans sprouted seeds,milk,especially in soured form,and home made cottage cheese.

Soya bean milk is a wonderful natural remedy for nervous disorders. A cup of this milk with its rich concentration of lecithin,vitamin B and glutamic acid mixed with a teaspoon of honey,taken every night,tones up the nervous system.

Barley brew is another natural remedy for nervous disorders.It is prepared by boiling a quarter of pearled barley grains in half a cup of water.When the water has boiled down to one-quarter,it should be strained carefully.

Raw carrots and spinach are very effective remedy for nervous disorders.They contains the elements that strengthen the nervous system.Drinking carrot and spinach juices mixed in 50-50 basis is very effective.



Mudra treatment for neuropathy

Mudras are very useful and effective in the treatment of nervous disorders.It is very easy to perform you can perform it any time during day or night.Performing mudras when your in meditation is very  effective and you can get quick results.However you can perform it any position or walking or in travel.

Nervous(system)disorders : VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra

These mudras are very useful in the treatment of neuropathy.Click the link to know how to do it and its effects and benefits.

Yoga treatment to cure neuropaty

Yoga is the best life style to stay healthy if you are a diabetic patient then regular practice of yoga asanas and pranayama is very much beneficial to stay healthy.

Vajra asana,Shirsana,sarvanga asana,matsya asana are best asanas to strengthen entare system.

Kapalbhati and anuloma viloma pranayama is also very beneficial.

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