Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a very serious condition that occur when your diabetic sugar are on high level for a long period of time.This condition happens only for those who is not checking their sugar levels and leading a improper diet.

This type of problems occurs more in the type-2 diabetics or insulin depended diabetics.The risk factor is higher in women than men.10 percent of diabetic death below the age of 45 is in this group.

To more about the risk and causes visit this link

Natural treatment for ketoacidosis:

If you are suffering from acidosis then taking an alkaline forming foods in your diet is the best natural treatment.Acids in your body is neutralised by the alkaline in the food you take.

The most easy way of alkalising your body is taking citrus fruits and citrus fruit juices.The alkalising property of citrus fruits are due to their high percentage of alkaline salt like potassium.

Acidosis can be prevented by perfect plaining in your diet like maintaining a good ratio of taking alkaline and acid foods in diet.

All the flesh and fish leaves acid ash,cereals of all kinds are acid forming foods.

All fruits except few are alkaline foods.You should include four fifth of alkaline foods in your diet to avoid acidosis.Fresh fruits,tubers,legumes,leafy and  root vegetables  are must in your diet.

Eating a well planed diet is must to avoid and prevent ketoacidosis.