Completeness through Brahmacharya Or Benefits of Brahmacharya

Benefits of brahmacharya

Brahmacha has a magical power to attain completeness and immortality. Brahmacharya is not living a life without marriage but it is restraint and not suppression of sexual desire. In restraint no sexual thought will arise in the mind. There is perfect sublimation of sexual energy.If you are a house holder you can life a life with out the idea of sexual enjoyment just for the sake of preservation of progeny after one child or son was born.

Brahmacharya is the basic of acquiring immortality.Brahmacharya brings material progress and psychic advancement. Brahmacharya is the substratum for a life in the atman. It is potent weapon for waging a relentless war against the internal monsters-passion,greed,anger,miserliness,hypocrisy.etc. It contributes to perennial joy and uninterrupted,undecaying bliss. It gives tremendous energy,clear brain,gigantic will power,bold understanding,retendive memory and good power of enquiry. It is through Brahmachraya and Brahmacharya alone that you can have physical,mental,moral and spiritual advancement.

  Brahmacharya is trully a precious jewel; It is one most effective medicine,nectar indeed,which destroys diseases,decay and death.For attaining peace,brightness,memory,knowledge,health and self-realisation,one should observe Brahmacharya which is the highest duty.Brahmacharya is the highest knowledge,Brahmacharya is the greatest strength.Of the nature of Brahmacharya is verily this Atman,and in Brahmacharya it resides. saluting Brahmacharya first,the cases beyoned cure I cure.Aye,Brahmacharya can undo all the inauspicious signs.