Category: Ayurveda

Ayurveda treatment for Epistaxis

Bleeding from the nose is called epistaxs. According to Ayurveda, it is a form of urdhavaga rakta pitta. It is usually associated with nasal polyp. During summer, this occurs often, specially in small children. The patient having epistaxix should be given a wash of his face and head with cold water. Cold water can be […]

Ayurveda treatment for menorrhagia

Excessive bleeding during menstruation is called menorrhagia. In Ayurveda, this is known as rakta pradara. Due to an impairment of the hormones, excessive bleeding takes place during menstruation. This impairment is caused by the aggravation of pitta. There are other conditions such as cancer of the uterus and many other blood diseases in which menorrhagia […]

Ayurvedic Remedy for Prickly Heat

It is an acute form of heat rash associated with excessive sweating, especially during humid climate. In Ayurveda, this is known as pidaka. It consists of small superficial eruptions which look like grains of sand. It affects almost any part of the body. Pricking, burning sensation and itching cause a lot of discomforts and may […]

Ayurveda treatment for Filaria

In Ayurveda, this is known as Shilipada Jawara. This disease is commonly caused by a parasitic called Filaria bancrofti. Embroys of this parasite are carried from the patient to a health man by mosquitos. The early symptoms of this disease are urticaria, inflammation of the glands as well as lymphatic channels, inflammation of the testicles […]

Ayurveda and mudra treatment for Ear-pus

When pus comes from the ear, it produces a bad smell, and there is acute pain. It is usually associated with a cough and even at times with fever. Kapha dosha is mainly responsible for all these manifestations. In Ayurveda, this condition is known as putikama. Some organisms cause inflammation of the ear. These organisms […]

Ayurveda treatment for stones in the urinary traect

  Urinary stones are formed by calcium, phosphates or oxalates. The main parts of the urinary tract are the kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra. The stones are formed primarily in the kidney and sometimes remain there without being noticed for a long period. In certain circumstances, they are slowly dissolved or dislodged and come down, […]

Mudra and Ayurveda treatment for Tuberculosis(TB)

Tuberculosis or TB is the general name for the group of diseases caused by the tiny organism, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, of which pulmonary tuberculosis, or phthisis is the most important. Little lumps, or tubercles, from in the part affected which become soft and suppurate as the disease advances. The slight rise in temperature, generally in the […]

Ayurveda treatment for Glossitis

Inflammation of mucous of the membrane over the tongue is known as glossitis. In Ayurveda, this is called Jihvapaka. It is usually caused by the intake of alcohol, spices, smoking, gastrointestinal as well as metabolic diseases. The tongue becomes red and at times there are ulcers also. The patient feels difficulty in taking his food. […]

Ayurveda treatment for hoarseness

Swarabheda, as hoarseness of voice is called in Ayurveda, is a complaint which accompanies or result from Laryngitis( the inflammation of the larynx). It may be caused by certain infections or take, alternately, of hot and cold substances, any abnormal growth and infections produced by chronic tuberculosis. In addition to difficulty in articulation, the patient […]

Diet plan for all the Constitutions

Diet plays important role in balancing all the constitutions. Diet for the Vata constitution: A person who has an excess of Vata humor in their bodies has to restrict foods with pungent, bitter or astringent tastes. He should also keep away from stale foods, cold foods, and dry snacks. The following foods can further aggravate […]