Boost Immunity through Ayurvedic way

Immunity is a system which strength to live a healthy life.It is the natural defence system of the body which always fights with the diseases. It protects us continuously from various illnesses. There are tonnes of bacteria present in our environment, in our food, in our air, under the nail and on the hair. If our body didn’t have this immune system, then our life will be miserable and we would be suffering from so many diseases all the time. When we observe our body construction, there is a defence mechanism in all most every system of our body. If we look at our skin which is the first line of the defence system of the bacteria is covered by a layer which is called as seebam. It is an oily layer which traps the bacteria to enter into the body.

Boost  Immunity through Ayurvedic way


If we look at in the nose, we have hair which also traps the bacteria and virus to enter in our body. If we look at our respiratory track, there is also hair which is called as Celia which also functions to stop bacteria enter through the respiratory track. In our eyes, we have tear dots to trap the bacteria. If all these defence mechanisms in our body become weak, then our immune system will become weak and we have to suffer from so many diseases.Here are few tips to boost your immunity through ayurvedic ways.

First of all, we have to understand that what make our immune system weak? White blood cells play a crucial role in our immune system. If white blood cells become vulnerable we can observe the symptoms like the temperature of the body rises; the person will have a sore throat and he will have a blockage in the nose.

Sugar inhabits white blood cells from fighting the bacteria. At least for five hours, it means if I take a sugar snack if I drink some sugar drink, if I have sugar in the cup of tea, for the next five hours, it will inhabit my white blood cells from fighting with the bacteria.

So it is crucial that if anyone have some infections you have to be careful not to take sugar. If you are suffering from cold and cough or any other infections, don’t eat sugar.

Boost immunity through Ayurvedic ways

How can we boost our immune system? If we observed eating habits of the people, they are not eating well, their food is not at all good for their health and more over the food that they create ama and they have to suffer from various diseases. If we observe the sleeping patterns of the people, they wake up in the night time and they sleep in the daytime. There is no proper timing for their sleeping. There is also a lot of intelligence in sexual activities.

Laughing therapy has been proved in boost up the immune system. Because laughter reduces the stress, when stress is reduced immune system automatically boosted up. We have to maintain proper nutrition food in our daily diet which is easily digestible and avoid junk food. We should have at least six to eight hours sound sleep. We should watch out for our natural intelligence and we should try to minimise as much as we can. All these will boost up your immunity and give you good health.