
Ayurveda is the science which treats of what is advantageous and what is harmful to the body and also the happy and unhappy states of life. It explains what is good and what is bad for human life.It explains what is good and what is bad for human life, its measurement and other related matters.

Ayurveda is an ancient way of treatment in India.Thousands year ago India invented its own treatment for common diseases. Ayurveda is a holistic way of treatment even there are  practitioners and being an  advanced  system of treatments most of Ayurveda remedies are home remedies or natural remedies.In Ayurveda, most of the medicine is used in its natural form. There is no much processing in the preparation of medicines.It is almost a natural way of treatment.The Word Ayurveda is composed of two terms, Ayush meaning life and Veda meaning knowledge or science. Thus etymologically, Ayurveda means the science of life or biology. Ayurveda provides rational help for the treatment of many internal diseases which are considered to be obstinate and incurable in another system of medicine. Thus, it aims at both the prevention and cure of diseases.Ayurveda also studies basic human nature, and natural urges like hunger, thirst, sleep,sec etc..
and provides measures for a disciplined, disease free life for human beings.Ayurveda is a science of healing, it concentrates on the techniques of the healthy normal life, and it believes that every human is comparable to cosmos, He is a minuscule image of the great cosmos.According to its panache but(five elements) theory, all animate and inanimate thing in the universe are made of panch but as(the five forms of matter-earth,  fire, water,air and ether) This matters becomes organized in the form of living creature who constantly absorb the five elements in the environment.According to Ayurveda, three things are responsible for the health of any human being Vata, pitta, Kapha.
 Vata is a combination of the two elements of the universe namely air and ether.
pitta is a combination of fire and earth.
 Kapha is a combination of water and ether. Mudras are very useful to balance all the constitutions( Prakriti) or doshas. List of mudras and diseases   

Health, According to Ayurveda is a state of balance of the three doshas and also a condition in which the three aspects of human being body, mind, and the soul are in a natural state. When this natural state comes into contact with unhappiness disease erupts.