Acupressure Points For Neck And Shoulder Ailments

Shoulder and neck injuries, while they are distinct and separate in many respects and can occur individually and frequently, too often together. Furthermore, they share a number of acupuncture sites. Therefore, it is convenient to discuss the two together. We will divide the discussion into three parts: Shoulder points only, combination points(points shared by both anatomical parts). and neck points only.

What are shoulder and neck pains?

Your neck and shoulders contain muscles, bones, nerves, arteries and veins, as well as many ligaments and other support structures. Many diseases can cause pain in the neck and shoulder area. Some are life-threatening (such as a heart attack or serious trauma), others are less dangerous (such as simple tension or bruising).

What causes shoulder and neck pain?

The most common cause of shoulder and neck pain is damage to the soft tissues, including the muscles, tendons and ligaments in these structures. This may be due to whiplash or other injuries in these areas. The cervical spine (degenerative arthritis) can pinch the nerves that can cause pain in the neck and shoulder. A degenerative disc disease of the cervix (cervical spondylosis) can cause local or radiating pain caused by a herniated disc that causes a narrowing of the nerves (cervical radiculopathy). Abnormal conditions that affect the spinal cord, heart, lungs and some abdominal organs can also cause neck and shoulder pain. Here are some examples:

Broken clavicle: A fall on your extended arm can lead to a broken collarbone. This is especially the case when cyclists fall off their bicycles.

Bursitis: a bag is a bag that covers the joints to provide a cushion for the joints and muscles. These bags can swell, become stiff and hurt after an injury.

Heart attack: Although the heart problem is a heart attack, heart attacks can cause pain in the shoulder or neck, which is referred to as “referred” pain.

Broken scapula: an injury to the scapula is usually associated with relatively violent trauma.

Rotator cuff injuries: A rotator cuff is a group of tendons that support the shoulder. These tendons can be injured for a long time during the emergency, during sports with a lot of garbage or after repeated use. This can cause pain during shoulder movement due to the syndrome of a shoulder conflict and possibly a chronic loss of freedom of movement of the shoulder (frozen shoulder).

Shoulder separation or A-C: the clavicle and the scapula are connected by ligaments. In shoulder trauma, these bands can stretch or tear.

Whiplash: Injuries to the ligaments and muscles of the neck and shoulder can be caused by a sudden acceleration or deceleration, as in a car accident. It can also cause muscle cramps in the neck and shoulders.

Tendinitis: tendons that connect muscles to bones. When tired, tendons can swell and cause pain. This is also called tendonitis.

Gallbladder disease: It can cause pain in the right shoulder.
Any cause of inflammation below the diaphragm can also cause shoulder related pain.

Neck Pain

Causes of neck pain.

What are the causes and risk factors for neck pain?

Neck pain is a common disease. Neck pain can be caused by a variety of disorders and diseases and can affect one of the neck tissues. Degenerative disc disease, cervical fatigue, neck injuries such as whiplash, herniated disc or punctured nerves are examples of common pathologies that cause pain in the neck. Neck pain can be the result of common infections, such as a viral sore throat, which produces inflammation of the lymph nodes (glands) and neck pain.


What are the risk factors for shoulder and neck pain?

Risk factors for shoulder and neck pain include athletic activity, lifting heavy objects, pulling, moving luggage or other heavy objects and aging.

What are the symptoms and signs of shoulder and neck pain?

Pain: any pain seems to be intense, but it can also be described as dull, burning, convulsive, shocking or stabbing. Pain can cause stiff neck or stiff shoulders and loss of movement. Headaches can be the result. The nature of any symptom is important to your doctor because its characteristics can give an indication of the cause of your pain.

Shoulder point 1 is the most important point for relieving pure shoulder disabilities only. These three points can be used singly or together. As with the other parts previously described, the most pressure can be sued over points more remote from the injury. All points should be used initially and then determination made if one point is superior to the others since some of the combination points also should be used. In cases such as the shoulder where up to 6 or 7 sites are available, it is not always possible to let alone convenient to use all.

Acupressure points for shoulder aiments

Shoulder Point 1: It is located on outside of the shoulder bone. Have the patient raise his bent elbow to an angle of 90* from the body. The indentation is easier to see. In short, it is located at the midpoint of the top of the outside of the arm just below the end of the shoulder bone.

acupressure points for shoulder ailments

Shoulder Point 2: Located at the midpoint of the outside of the arm(upper arm) where the tip of the (upside down appearing) triangular deltoid muscle is.

Shoulder point 3: Located on the back of the shoulder above the armpit, in the soft tissue just below the body top of the shoulder.

These next series of the points have a less direct action on the upper arm or outside portion of the shoulder. However, they do help and are very beneficial for the inside portion of the shoulder which includes the upper shoulder blade area and the upper axilla or the armpit. Shoulder point is more helpful to the shoulder than the neck but is of value to both.

Acupressure points for neck and shoulder ailments

Shoulder Point 4: Located on an imaginary line drawn from the tip of the shoulder to a point lying over the middle of the base of the back of the neck. The point is one third along that line from the shoulder.