Natural treatment chart for osteoporosis


Remedies for Osteoporosis:

1.Dandelion Tea: Drink dandelion leaf tea to help build bone density 2.Higher intake of Soy products: As Hormonal imbalances can contribute to bone loss, eating more soy products or taking a supplement that contains soy isoflavones, the active ingredient in soybeans helps balance estrogen levels. One should get at least 40 mg of soy isoflavones in a daily diet or by taking isoflavone supplements. 3. Sesame seeds: A handful of sesame seeds had every morning may also help osteoporosis. 4. Almond Milk: Another home remedy for osteoporosis is calcium- rich almond milk. One can have the almond milk by soaking the almonds in warm water, peeling it and blending it with either cow milk, goats milk or soya milk.
Remember! Calcium cant be absorbing without vitamin  D &Magnesium, thereby sun bath and leafy veg is must.