Category: mudra treatment

Mudra For Anal Fissure

An anal fissure is a crack in the skin surrounding the anus, the excretory opening from the bowel.The irritation usually extends down to the muscle fibers.It is associated with other bowel disorders. Mudra therapy is very useful to overcome this problem.Mudra is a non-medical and no side effect treatment for anal fissure.Prithvi vardhak mudra is […]

Mudra For Psoriasis

Psoriasis facts Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. Patients with psoriasis who are obese are predisposed to diabetes and heart disease. Psoriasis can be initiated by certain environmental triggers. A predisposition for psoriasis is inherited in genes. Psoriasis is not contagious. Psoriasis gets better and worse spontaneously and can have periodic remissions (clear skin). […]